Tuesday, February 28

The Insantorum of Theocracy

So, Insantorum ( pronounced: insane torum) wants to vomit because JFK spoke about separation of church and state. He did forget St. Ronnie Raygun also said similar things. I just wonder how Insantorum and all his followers reconcile their great hatred of the Islamic radicals and Sharia law versus Catholic dogma concerning a woman's body and status in the Church. All that seems to be missing is covering the face and obscuring the bodies of women. I still see older Catholic women who think they must cover their heads during masses. And believe me, the Church isn't going forward. It has decided instead to travel back centuries.

Insantorum and followers would have women denied birth control (other than the ridiculous rhythm method or abstinence). Then whenever a pregnancy occurs, no matter what circumstances, the woman by mandate of the men of the Church is to carry the pregnancy to term. In the insanity of Insantorum, even amniocentesis is forbidden. Why? His reasoning is the testing of amniotic fluid leads to abortions should there be any indication of problem such as Downs.

The insanity goes on and on. Basically, in the view of Insantorum and the good ol' boys of the Vatican, women shouldn't be allowed the priesthood, shouldn't be allowed to stop having babies under any circumstances...including rape....shouldn't be allowed to avoid pregnancies by use of contraception...including condoms, IUDs or any other method in addition to the pill. Even the use of condoms to prevent HIV in Africa is forbidden by the Catholic Church. Their workers are forbidden in the distribution of condoms in these areas of pandemic HIV infection.

The sanctity of life argument by these men, and the women who have fallen for their dogma, is life begins from the moment of ejaculation of sperm. Actually, a man having a vasectomy violates the catechism. But, this argument fails to reconcile with the actions of the "faithful" when it comes to war, famine and other sanctity of life issues. While the gospel clearly states humans shouldn't kill one another, the actions of the religious communities defy that basic tenet.

Time and again it has been the religious communities leading the charge to violence and war. Time and again women have been badgered to have children despite profound poverty by the leaders of religions. Time and again children have died from the effects of poverty. A poverty perpetuated by the actions of a male dominated clergy.

If you listen to Insantorum piously want to vomit because of separation of church and state, you'll also hear rhetoric indicating he'd be quite willing to start a war with Iran or any other non-Christian country he hates. And hate isn't too strong a word to use. The pious characters like Insantorum and the Christian right have no qualms about inflicting death on "non-believers". They consider themselves in a holy war already against women who would take control of their own bodies, against homosexual marriage, against the Islamofascist fanatics that bear a strong resemblance to the fanaticism of the Christian right and against big government intruding on the people.

But the very theocracy the Christian right claims to hate in the nations of Islam is the very thing they want to impose on the Christian USA. They maintain this is a Christian nation despite the Constitution or Bill of Rights. And they don't mind intruding on the sex lives or personal lives of others through the very government they decry as intrusive.

The vision of Insantorum and followers is not much different from the vision of white supremacists or the racists of Jim Crow laws. Their overt hatred of the first black President is palpable. Their condemnations of Obama's policies make absolutely no sense. The man has carried out the right wing agenda since first taking office. He is beholding to the power brokers of Wall Street and the lobbyists of the ultra-rich. What is not to like other than his color? And still we hear inane comments of the sell out President being a socialist or Marxist.

While some believe Insantorum could never be President, we have to keep in mind many thought an actor well past his prime of life could never be President. The scary truth is with voter suppression rampant and Citizens United allowing huge amounts of money to flow to candidates, insanity could very well rule more than it already does. Theocracy could become a reality in this nation.

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