Friday, February 24

A Friday Rant

For all the good words, speeches, rallies, marches and intentions the world continues to hurtle into a human abyss of hate, racism, Zionism, imperialism, sexism and on and on. The kind and gentle are ignored. The rational voices are ignored. Greed, materialism and nihilism are the norm. Our kids grow up playing games of war. Not the type of running in the neighborhood and choosing up sides. But realistically graphic, requiring only the movement of fingers and the mindless thinking of a well trained grunt.

But what do we expect? Hundreds of thousands will turn out for a football game. Mere hundreds will turn out to protect the planet, protect the humans on the planet and protect our future generations. Good intentions and good will are failing. No matter how angry some get, not enough seem to understand what to be angry about.

In the rural areas they turn to bloated blowhards on the radio. The words are angry and focused on the status quo. Code is spoken and clearly understood. The code is hateful and dismissive of anything or anybody challenging the rich masters of war and industry.

But these words mean little or nothing. It is like screaming in the hurricane winds we experienced around Denver the other night. Only we know the screams existed. Only we know our screams are nothing compared to the screams of dying mothers and their children. Their screams and the screams of the impoverished and forgotten are born of anguish.

Palestinian, Sudanese, Afghan, Iraqi, Lakota.....their anguish is unrelenting. Shame on us. Shame on our inability and unwillingness to stand up as a people to stop the madness. The neglect, apathy and disregard are everywhere. Even when it happens to our neighbor or friends we look helplessly on afraid to speak out or act out.

We are frozen by the fear so aptly disseminated by the evil tools of the Machiavellian princes of power. At work, at home, in public we fear the cameras, the overheard words, the perceptions of others who might "report" us. And people of color know their paranoia is based on reality. They know the blue gangsters care little about human intervention and a lot about violent intervention.

The gangsters in blue cry they are misunderstood but never attempt to understand. They patrol the slums and ghettos and go home to their sheltered, gated communities. What do they care about those who they "police"?

It's Friday. I need to ramble and rant. I could fearfully hide it, I suppose. Fuck no!

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