Sunday, June 24

Lies of Traitors

There is a myth in America that the economy depends on the stock market and the big banks like Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman-Sachs and on and on.
The truth is Americans and all the rest of the world are getting robbed by them.  They caused the economic crash with their twisted methods of banking and brokering. They deliberately went about selling fraudulent stocks and derivatives to individuals, pension funds, stable companies, municipalities and other nations outside the borders of NYC and the USA.
The liars of both political parties want us to believe austerity is necessary because of the working class. Unions, teachers, police, firemen, nurses and grave-diggers are all the cause of our economic problems. They used too much credit eagerly offered by the banks. They over- spent on homes and high end cars despite constant offers to finance by the banks. They demanded too much in wages even though their yearly wages lost ground compared to the 300% improvement of wealth by the richest 1% of the world.
And when the crash came it was the working class losing jobs, watching pensions lose most of their value, watching gas prices escalate beyond all expectations and in turn seeing all necessary goods like food become so expensive some had to skip meals.
Don’t think for one minute the bankers, brokerage firms or fat cat politicians are suffering or ever have during these bleak times. They’re living high on the hog from the wealth stolen from the workers. They raided pensions, destroyed unions and blamed public employees for their disasters. They watch as children starve and homelessness increases dramatically with people never experiencing homelessness.  Their responses have been to outlaw the homeless by keeping them from using public lands to camp in, sleep in or sit in after hours.
Don’t think for one minute the politicians spending billions on attack ads via super-PACs have the workers or poor in mind when they get elected. No, they are concerned with pandering to the ultra-rich with tax cuts, special police protection, assistance moving good jobs out of the country and making sure the oligarchy is so powerful the workers can never overcome the oppression.
Don’t think for one minute the war machines, the prison industry, the drug war or all the other over-funded government programs will go away or be reduced. The needs of real humans take a back seat to the needs of the wealthy.  Never mind old people suffer, children die, education becomes only for the rich.  In the misery of lost jobs, lost homes and hunger the will to fight back diminishes.  The effects of the thieves calling themselves job producers and the back bone of the economy saps the energy of even the strongest who object.
Don’t think for one minute the Ryan Plan or any other austerity program will get America back on track. What the politicians and Wall Streeters plan to do is totally devastate and derail the American worker. They are shooting for a working class similar to the worker in China, Bangladesh or Vietnam. They want the destruction of a middle class that might oversee their traitorous crimes. Yes, these people are sociopaths who have no country or allegiance. Their loyalty lies only in the stolen wealth they have.  They also managed to steal the Bill of Rights and the government of “we the people” in the process. They control the Congress, the Executive branch and the Supreme Court.  The blustering fools in thousand dollar suits are merely tools of the sociopaths or insiders in the anti-social network that quite some time ago executed a coup d’état without the American people even recognizing it.
Good people will resist but at risk of pepper spray and imprisonment. Good people will attempt to exercise their rights but at risk of thugs in blue riot gear beating them down. People will look at Egypt and deplore the military dictatorship beating and threatening those who resist them.  But will Americans deplore the same thing happening in their own nation under the guise of “law and order” and keeping the peace?

Wednesday, June 6

Running Out of Canaries

Another canary in the dark hole of democracy died yesterday in the state of Wisconsin. How many more will have to die before Americans wake up to the deadly scent of the poisonous billionaires who have bought the government of “we the people”?
Too many Americans have failed in being responsible citizens of a nation once thought to be a beacon of hope and freedom. Too many citizens have allowed the propaganda machines of both the left and right to make decisions for them. Too many are too lazy, too apathetic or too discouraged to make informed decisions based on their own study of issues. Studies that go beyond the 30 second to minute sound bites of the ads paid for by shadow groups unwilling to even identify themselves.
Why should we accept the information of groups unwilling to reveal who they are and who their members are? Is this the government a free people should accept? A government bought by shadowy individuals and groups with the desire to control all segments of government for their own greedy needs?
Too many Americans are willing to let others decide their fate and the fate of their children. They’re unwilling to be responsible enough to be informed, to seek the real truth and to stand up to the bastards attempting to shackle them in debt and oppressive laws meant to protect only the rich.
Too many are willing to bitch about conditions that adversely affect them but won’t do something other than cast a ballot for politicians already sold out to the millionaires and billionaires. Too many buy into the idea they can become a millionaire or billionaire if only the government is dismantled and everything turned over to the private sector. This is called an oligarchy or fascist state in other parts of the globe.
Too many Americans cower in fear that an outside enemy will take away their freedom and fail to see it is the government of the rich they should fear most. Too many worry about the phony threat of gay marriages. Too many allow religious hysterics and fanatics to control their lives and fail to actually study and understand the ideology of Christ, Allah and others they claim to believe in.
Too many Americans have abdicated citizenship to liars and traitors only interested it gutting this nation’s resources, enslaving its workforce and moving on to the next conquest. They figure once the American people are under control, the rest of the world will soon follow. Americans like to believe they are the greatest nation on Earth but they gave up that recognition by constantly using wars and coercion to get their way.
Too many Americans blame the fall and decline of this nation on other people or institutions. We all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves how much we’ve done to ensure our children and grandchildren remain free people.  We need to ask if we challenged those who attempt to steal their freedom or if we sat on our asses watching Dancing With The Stars or some other inane and mind numbing television program.
We have to ask ourselves how many more warnings will there be?  How many canaries in the toxic remains of democracy will die in order to warn us of the impending poison created by billionaires who could care less about “we the people” or freedom?