Monday, May 26

Write On

As I review my blog I see I repeat the same sentiments over and over. I guess it seems an effort of an fool who should give more energy to other things in life. I guess it's just a fruitless waste of keystrokes. I've been doing this for a long time and things seem to have gotten worse. Oppression has grown. The rich have gotten richer. The poor, poorer. Wars still rage on despite promises they will come to an end. So where will be the next place we send our sons and daughters to die?
I write so I don't act out the anger that boils inside me. Writing is one way to resist. Who care who reads this. I know it's not going to be read by more than one or two people, if that many. But resistance each day is necessary. We can't allow the oligarchy to overrun the rest of us. We have to speak out. We have to protest the obvious injustices and oppression of so many. We have to keep pointing out their isn't a democracy when only two parties funded by the super rich are our only choices. We have to point out corporations AREN'T people despite what the justices of the sham court of the US tells us. We can remain silent or speak out. Writing is one way for me. And so I'll continue to do so.

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