Monday, May 20

A Note to My Grandson on Your Graduation

You have reached one of life’s milestones. You are a graduate of your high school and now move on to the next path of your life’s journey. Congratulations for all the work and time you’ve spent to get where you’re now at. And may you find the future bright and hopeful.

I hope you will always take the path of your heart. There seems to be a notion the world is bad because it often seems we see only bad in the media. Evil, violence and the outrageous gets headlines. I hope you see past this notion and understand there is more good in our world than the evil so often represented in mass media.
I hope you will find your own truth and not allow the many false truths others may try to impose upon you. This will demand you listen to your heart and determine what is morally acceptable. Remember Howard Zinn’s history tells stories conveniently dismissed by others unwilling to admit the flaws we Americans have had throughout our history. Patriotism does not mean blind acceptance of the actions of our government. We have the responsibility to be informed citizens. We need to question the actions of those who buy the power of government.
Mark Twain is an author who questioned the things we do in the name of patriotism. I hope someday you will read his WAR PRAYER.
I hope you understand Rosa Parks and so many others fought long and hard to reach equality. In my childhood the truth was blacks, Latinos and women were less than equal to the white male establishment. Rosa Parks did much more than just sit in a “white only” bus seat. Her entire life was one of following her heart and objecting to oppression.
As I watched your graduation I noticed the large number of Latino, Chicano and Hispanic names of students graduating. Besides the family history of my family you have a family history of Hildalgo. Keep in mind even today people of color face incredible hardships because of racism’s discrimination. As Zinn points out it was the Europeans who stole the lands of the indigenous peoples and the people long residing in Spanish speaking areas of North America.
Cesar Chavez and Corky Gonzales are only two voices for your brown brothers and sisters of the past and present. Their truths are different from  the ruling culture of this nation. And their struggles continue today with the young people of your class of 2013.
I hope you have come to realize heroes aren’t athletic men hitting game winners. Heroes and heroines are people who put the needs and welfare of others before themselves. They’re people who follow the moral path. The path of their heart. I’ve met many heroes and heroines. Not one of them played professional sports. How could we compare highly paid athletes to a woman like Kathy Kelly who has spent her entire life as an adult working for peace and justice for all people? How does a touchdown compare to her going to Iraq with medical supplies and other life saving supplies in defiance of our government’s irrational sanctions which were causing hundreds of thousands to die? Most of them children.
I hope you won’t allow those in power to paralyze you in their attempts to make us fear our world. Courage is not being without fear. It is recognizing fear but still doing what is right and moral. Again, the path of your heart. Governments promoting fear hope to create willingness to give up essential freedoms and rights. Beware of giving up your freedom to be safe. Benjamin Franklin once said doing so will result in having neither one.
I hope you have come to realize the joy of the material things you have and will get is only temporary joy. The joy of loving friends and family will bring you true wealth. Falling in love with a soul mate will make you rich. This isn’t saying we should allow the wealthy to continue the economic injustices they perpetrate. Poor wages, sweat shops and enslaved children and adults making our shoes and clothes are symptoms of the injustices imposed by the wealthy. The gap between the wealthy and the working class and poor has reached record levels because of criminal actions by Wall Street brokers and too big to fail bankers. The chase for money and wealth is a disease causing much of the evil we have in our world. War is one of the major symptoms.
I don’t say you and all working people shouldn’t aspire to have security and a living wage. But life is more than material bounty. Look at the mountains to the west. They represent the grandeur of nature. And to live the path of our hearts we must commune with nature. And to commune with nature means we have to cherish our environment and stop the abuse of nature through pollution and destruction. Abuse that will lead to the destruction of Earth. It’s abuse fueled by short-sighted tycoons who refuse to change. Instead they deny there’s a problem and continue the rape of the environment for resources that can’t be sustained.
I apologize that my generation failed the generation of your father and your generation. We once said we would bring a change that would bring peace and justice. Instead we sold out to materialism and apathy. We allowed corrupt politicians and the rich who fund them to have power that goes unquestioned and without significant challenges. But there remain many of my generation who have idealism and live that path of the heart. They just need more help to challenge those who have power and abuse it.
I know this time of your life is to be celebrated, grandson. And believe me I do celebrate your life! You are part of the hope we have in our world. Go forward with joy and determination, my grandson. You are loved and admired. Work to be strong. Learn from failures and make them opportunities to change. Question the accepted knowledge and accept others with unconditional love in your heart.
Love yourself so you can love others. Forgive yourself so you can forgive others. If there’s only one part of the Christian Bible you decide to read, make it the Sermon on the Mount. It summarizes the path of the heart.
Wishing you great peace and with love,
Your grandfather.

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