Saturday, September 22

The Lies of the Empire

The truth about Mitt Romney and taxes is his alleged charitable contributions are given in stocks to Romney owned charities which allow the stocks to be free of taxes. And the money given to charity not claimed on the tax return was not an act of largesse on his part. No, it was a cynical act to ensure his tax paid exceeded the 13% he earlier claimed he had paid. So his tax paid was 14%, still much less a percentage paid by most average American workers. And once the election is over the Romneys can file an amended claim and recoup every cent of the money not previously claimed and more.
What Mitt Romney is really good at doing is cheating. He’s a consummate liar. He willingly lies to further himself and the agenda of his puppet-masters, multinational corporations. Romney is the epitome of the corporate world. They cry about prohibitive tax rates in the U.S. making it impossible to create new jobs and harming small businesses. That 35% tax rate is a myth. The largest corporations not only don’t pay taxes, they get tax rebates once they use all the available tax loopholes provided for them by the corrupt Congress.
These are antisocial personalities that have no problem pushing for profitable wars killing millions, including American sons and daughters from the middle class and the poor. They have no problem polluting the planet for profit. They will deny the effects of their pollution even as millions die and suffer from the filthy air and water. Even as lead pits kill children in Peru. Even as oil spills pollute the oceans and kill the creatures of the sea.
These are people who will kill their own grandchildren in their rush to greed. They don’t care about the future they will leave the younger generations. They only care about profit now. They manipulate and game the system at every turn to gain power and wealth. Power translates into more wealth for them. That is the significance of the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court. It allows wealth to buy government and the power which will lead to ever more wealth.
The hate and wedge issues proliferate the media because the corporate masters intend it. They know creation of divisiveness will keep the middle class and poor at each other’s throats while the rich will continue to accumulate more wealth, more power. Even a black President doing the bidding of the rich is made out to be a Marxist liberal. His color and race are included in the dialogue of hate promoted by the masters of the corporate world. His term as President was allowed to scapegoat him for the depression created by the neo-cons and right wingers.
These are people who will get the citizens of this nation to wave patriotic flags of nationalism and demand war against nations for absurd and morally corrupt reasons. They will support the troops right up until they return home from their wars for the last time. Then they will turn their backs on the wounded and emotionally scarred young they got to do their bidding. Their flunkies in Congress will refuse to vote for legislation to assist the troops. They will allow them to struggle in the desperation of unemployment, homelessness and substandard treatment. They don’t care about the daily suicide rates of troops.
These are people who have clearly shown they will bully and bankrupt small business if they get in the way of multinational corporations. Wal-Mart and others have no problem destroying local business to provide greater profits for themselves. These are people who cry crocodile tears for small business while constantly conspiring to steal their ideas and creative innovations. They will crush small business or small farmers like annoying insects to gain profit for themselves.
These are people who have mastered the art of striking fear in the hearts of the elderly about the benefits due them. They’ll make the elderly feel the benefits are entitlements when in fact they’re benefits paid for by taxes deducted from the paychecks of every working person. These are people who would gladly pull the plug on granny if she no longer represents a profit for the rich. They don’t blink in taking food from the mouths of children supported by food stamps.  They claim to be people of good faith. They cynically use faith to cover up their greed. They want others to believe faith will be rewarded in wealth. The poor and struggling must surely lack in their faith.
In the next two months the attack ads will increase and foolish people will buy in to the insanity. Either deluded or hateful people will buy into the toxic Kool aid of the rich. Others will hopelessly give up and do nothing. Not enough will reject the circumstances and rebel.
The myth of a Mayan apocalypse is supposed to occur in 2012. In terms of American history the myth may well come to be true depending on the November election. If not in 2012, the apocalypse for humans will not be far away if the sleeping, stultified and narcotized continue to ignore the warning signals of corruption and environmental disaster that are centered in the American Empire.

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