Friday, October 10

John and Sarah Go KKKlubbing

The two vids mentioned in the article

A McCain supporter shows his true "colors"

I’ve just viewed two videos from the blog, Political Machine, which scares the hell out of me. It takes a lot to scare me anymore. But in an article titled, “Taunting Prospects” by David Knowles there are two videos included of McCain and Palin rallies. The videos are a series of brief interviews of the people entering the rallies. They are asked about Senator Obama and the answers and comments are so appallingly racist I was jolted by them. The rallies are not in the Deep South. They’re in Ohio and Pennsylvania.
I’m nearly 60 and have lived during the time of civil rights marches, a war in Vietnam and the continued racism of this nation as a privileged white male. I did grow up with a feminist mother that refused to allow me to become an overt bigot, however. I came to understand the pervasive nature of hate and racism that exists in this nation.
Whites will claim they’re discriminated against by blacks and other minorities but the brief episodes of discomfort with the discrimination they endured is absolutely nothing compared to the hateful bigotry of the white man and woman toward our brothers and sisters of color.
My own father, a child of the Deep South, brought a lot of racist baggage into our home but my mother wouldn’t let it go even though she also grew up in Arkansas. I heard the words “nigger” and “spic” coming from my father and cringed. I learned at an early age he was talking about friends I went to school with on the north side of Denver.
After the Civil Rights Amendment was enacted, America didn’t change all that much. The hateful racism continued in more subtle and less subtle ways despite federal laws. Institutional racism continued. Poverty continued to hit the minority communities much harder than other communities in this nation. But there was some progress because of the law. It took brave men and women to demand the laws be upheld to push the progress but it seemed to be gradually moving forward until Ronald Reagan became President.
Saint Ronnie was the beginning of the Neo-con Age of America. He systematically began the destruction of social safety nets for the poor through his economic policies which led us to the meltdown we have today. Ronnie talked a good story because he was an actor and his role of President was his best part. But St. Ronnie was a malevolent old man who turned things back to the good old boy’s club of white rich men in power. He tried to destroy unions wherever he could. He began with the air traffic control union with a membership of more than 50% Vietnam vets. He tried his best to undo affirmative action. He took up the cause of dictators in Central America. He began to unravel social programs with less funding and the promise of “trickle down” economics. The trickle down from the rich to the poor consisted of slamming doors of opportunity for most in the minority communities of poverty.
After the alleged “enlightened age” of Clinton; Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and their proxy, George W. Bush, came to power with their hate tactics. And they manipulated elections enough to steal the Presidency. The reign of terror by the Neo-cons began in full view of all of us and we failed to stem the evil tide. September 11, 2001 became the perfect opportunity for the Machiavellian coup of American democracy. Presuming we ever had a democracy.
Abuses of power, stripping of rights and, worst of all, preemptive wars killing innocent humans in the hundred of thousands became a hallmark of the new Bush junta. Americans were either paralyzed by fear or actually felt it their destiny to become the new Roman Empire. Radical religious zealots became powerful and determined the path of violence and evil this nation took. And they did it claiming they were fighting radical religious zealots who threatened the Christian nation of America with evil.
Mindless followers of the zealots parroted unsubstantiated talking points about every aspect of society. They imposed their ideology on all of us whether we wanted it or not. And arguing with them was useless because they were, and still are, so programmed in their rhetoric they have closed their minds to any other reality. To accept the true reality of ruthlessness, evil preemptive wars and overt and destructive greed becoming the paramount American ideal is a total cognitive dissonance for the “fanatics of Christ”.
The very idea Christ would scream vile and hostile epithets at women entering Planned Parenthood clinics is preposterous. To think Christ would scream out “faggot” to gay men is totally incomprehensible. The thought Christ would endorse dropping 500 hundred pound bombs on civilian population centers in Iraq and Afghanistan is truly an abomination. Believing Christ would approve of greed and wealth called a “ministry of prosperity” is absurd.
I’m a Christian but I am ashamed of the phony Pharisees posing as Christian men and women. That includes many religious leaders. It includes my own archbishop and many of the Catholic leaders of America. It includes the Pope who refused to allow a gay ambassador from France to be installed at the Vatican. I hardly believe “his eminence” has the ear of Christ with his intolerance.
Christian zealots have concocted numbers of abortions in the millions but can never give the source of their information. Apparently they believe if they say it long enough we will believe their numbers or accept that God gave them information. Certainly there are far too many abortions but how foolish we are to believe women would “want” an abortion.
At the same time, the zealots refuse to acknowledge the number of children killed in our senseless wars. They continue to accept the ongoing use of the death penalty here in the US, which exceeds all other nations. “My church” continues to preach birth control is “evil” but fails to associate the lack of birth control in poor nations with the sinfully large number of starving children. Parents trying to follow the dictates of the Church are put in a no-win, life and death dilemma by dogmatic and foolish men who lack empathy and actual knowledge to minister to poor people. Approximately twenty thousand humans die each day from the extreme effects of poverty. Eight thousand children die each day of malaria. The zealots fail to mention these people in the numbers they so easily recite off the top of their heads. Many of them will say the poor and afflicted of this world are those who have failed to believe.
These are the people America has allowed to dictate our national agenda. These are the people who would not be averse to causing an apocalyptic situation to bring the “Rapture” about. They are brainwashed and deluded into thinking they will be rescued and all us “non-believers” will be savagely struck down by the rampaging Jesus of their imaginations.
Today I watched members of this group in two videos answering questions about Barrack Obama. They were all white. They seemed predominately well off and overweight. Many wore military hats advertising their patriotic zeal. Many of the respondents were young and female. They were hateful and frothing racism. If they were attractive, their hate disguised it. They hated the people trying to get them to answer why they disliked Obama. They genuinely hated Obama and accused him of being a terrorist, a Muslim and a traitor. They said stupid and ignorant things that have absolutely no basis in fact. Their real message; Obama is a “nigger”. He is “that one”. Their code words of hate can’t conceal what they are really saying.
John McCain and Sarah Palin have ramped this group of bigots into a frenzy. It seems the only thing missing is white hoods and burning crosses. And the frightening part is how many there is who share this vicious attitude. There can be no dialogue with them. They have programmed themselves to believe they are on a crusade to restore the Christian way of life. And it doesn’t matter how much hate, racism and vileness they use as long as they succeed.
I am not a fan of Senator Obama. I’m not a Democrat or a Republican. I sincerely believe the two parties have completely failed this nation and need to be thrown out of office. A new party or parties of responsible adults need to truly represent the citizens of all parts of this nation in a mature way instead of the childish and foolish way we’ve allowed the two party systems to carry on. Actual dialogue and discussion should take place to make decisions to govern. Of course, I’m the one deluded to think such a thing possible.
I do clearly see John McCain and Sarah Palin are agents of hate, however. They are stooges of Karl Rove and his cabal. They are stooges of corporate America. They are people without a sense of morality. If we allow them to be elected we will have reached a new bottom of the electoral abyss.
America will continue to be a cesspool of hatred and racism with the election of McCain or Obama. It’s just a matter of how much putrid waste we want to smell and walk around in as a nation.

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