Saturday, March 11

The other day I "woke" to an incredible distaste in my thoughts. I remembered when the word "woke" was used primarily by black Americans to signify racial intolerance, injustice and daily life in the communities of color. The daily life of police rousting, beatings and racial profiling. Jim Crow. Lynching. It's found in black culture dating back into the 1920's at least. Marcus Garvey and Lead Belly used the word to reference repression in Africa and the Scottsboro Boys. Erykah Badu included woke in one of her songs in 2008. 
But as always, the crackers and racists like the Trumps and DeSantis' coopted the word to use as their own. But let's not let James Carville off the hook either. This racist disguised as a white liberal went on a CNN diatribe against wokeness that gave fuel to the neo-Nazis of the GOP. Rather than defend a word that spoke truth to power, Carville showed himself as a keeper of the white, male dominant culture in American politics.
I remember hearing Carville going off on "wokeness" and feeling he'd betrayed the values of social justice for his view of political expediency. Rather than defend the values and dismiss the hate of the right wingers, he provided them political ammo for the unforeseeable future. He helped the wedge issue, culture haters create the nihilistic view of critical race theory. He helped racists parents and politicians claim educating Americans about the holocaust of American slavery would do damage to their children. Learning the true history of the American people might cause their children irreparable guilt. He helped those wanting to ban books that showed diversity in school textbooks, libraries and public libraries.
I also remember Carville's hateful rant and feeling my skin crawl in watching the fake progressive, liberal white man being allowed to go unchallenged for his racist comments. The political narrative of America has been dictated by the dominant culture of the white European settlers who brought slavery to our shores. Rather than set the record straight and consistently challenge the hateful speech and thinking of the ultra right and faux liberals, the Democratic party has remained passive and inept. This party, that claims to represent the communities of color, the disenfranchised and poor, is in fact, an extension of America's racist history. They are wolves in sheep clothing betraying the very constituency they claim to protect. 
Carville, Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, Graham, Clinton, Biden, Shumer, Pelosi, Bobert, Taylor-Greene all represent the founders of a racist, unjust, repressive system meant to keep power for the Euro-centric culture that has continued to ignore those not white. Or continued to repress, kill and incarcerate them at alarmingly disproportionate rates.
Wokeness bashing has become the daily battle cry for the MAGA crowd and the Tea-Party, Don't Tread on Me white patriots. Patriots who push conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory. Who find it quite acceptable to attack their own Capitol if they don't like outcomes of elections. They would have us believe they are the victimized and ignored white American exceptionalists. They refuse to accept or are unable to understand the history of repression in this nation of white entitlement since its founding days. They literally want to "whitewash" all history their children will be taught in their schools. They'll bully teachers and educational boards to get their way. They'll go on book burning witch hunts to "weed" out anything they feel may subject their kids to the truth.
They claim cancel culture when their lies are rejected or speakers for them are opposed. And yet, they have an entire television networks pumping out lies and misinformation against the truth tellers. Tucker Carlson and other Fox Network stooges of Rupert Murdoch and ass kissers of Trump have a daily hit list of "woke" opponents they want to cancel. And networks trying to go even darker than Fox. 
They, however, want to cancel voting rights and civil rights They want to cancel the truth of slavery. They want to cancel the reality of gayness, lesbianism, transgender humans, same sex marriage, women's right to control their bodies or any concept they feel may expose the diverse reality of the world. 
This rhetoric has led to violence against blacks, Latino, Hispanic, Asian, Jewish and LGBQT communities. It has led to violence against women wanting to control their bodies. Violence against doctors helping women do so. 
They claim to love children but cut programs to help feed them. To provide them healthcare. To house them. To protect them from shootings in their school.  
These are the 2nd Amendment defenders. The NRA crowd refusing to allow laws to control the proliferation of deadly assault weapons and guns leading to daily mass killings. There are radicals pushing for a violent civil war to create a safe haven for the victimized Anglo-Saxon martyrs. Anyone or anything not recognizing their viewpoint are targets both figuratively and literally
They claim to be victims as they arm up with their AR-15's, Glocks and large capacity magazines. Victims seeking prey along the Mexican borders. Victims infiltrating Black Life Matters rallies to perpetrate violence and chaos. Victims who consistently get fair trials, Victims getting slaps on wrists for their violence, Victims free from consequences when they kill black kids in hoodies simply walking 
"their" streets. Victims populating all big city police forces that brutalize communities of color.
But being woke is their greatest fear. Of course it is. And the more they rail against wokeness, the more those seeking justice and diversity must stay truly "woke". They have revitalized wokeness if we choose to challenge their absurd and deliberate ignorant use of the word . And demonstrate its true meaning.

Monday, December 19

My dad used to tell me about growing up during the "Great Depression" and being hungry much of the time. Millions of Americans were getting only minimum amounts of food. Not enough for bigger families. My dad talked about the hunger pains, the actual pain of not eating for a few days after the rations had been consumed and none were coming until the next week. Hunger for him was a very real trauma. My dad had three brothers and his mom to look after. He was the oldest son in his teens and he often didn't eat so his younger brothers and mom could. His dad had long been out of their lives. He scrounged around for anything he could find that was edible. And made sure the rest of the family was fed before him.
It was a very hard time for millions. For my dad, it left him always in fear of being hungry again even when he worked and made good wages. He was always a "soft touch" whenever someone approached him about being hungry.
Today they call hunger "food insecurity". Millions of Americans are still hungry. A large number are children. Maybe the greatest majority are children. In this time of CEO compensation reaching record levels, of the rich getting richer and the disparity of income becoming the largest in recorded history, Americans go hungry. More kids in our public schools go hungry than most of us realize. Some kids can't wait for holidays away from school. Kids who are hungry aren't so happy. It means they lose any school breakfast or lunch program while school's out.
Every hour of every day kids and families are hungry in this nation while almost two or three times each hour on network or cable television there's commercials displaying food. Most of us go to bed without hunger and may well fool ourselves into believing we live in the land of plenty. Food from households, restaurants and fast food sites is thrown away on daily basis. Grocery stores often toss absolutely good food if not picked up on their markdown counters or picked up by food banks. 
How does a nation touting itself as the greatest nation on earth have so many families with children going hungry? We can look at the insanely ineffective federal and local governments filled with partisan hacks for a lot of the answer. Today the Congress is debating the need for keeping a tax credit for families that has proven to reduce child hunger. Some want a work requirement as part of the deal. Some want to lower income thresholds. At the same time Congress is quite willing to increase the military budget to record levels and allow the arms industry to reap record profits.
Outside of families and children, hunger is prevalent for the elderly living Social Security check to Social Security check. They have to choose between life saving medications and food. They have to worry if their rents will increase making things worse. They have to worry if the power companies will increase rates to make things worse. They have to worry if huge retail food stores will gouge them more and more for the cost of any food they might buy at their stores. Stores that may be the only site selling food other than exorbitantly high cost convenience stores. 
And while the hungry worry where they might find relief, where they might find the next meal, conglomerate stores like Kroger, Wal-Mart and Target reap record profits. Huge energy companies like XCEL continue unabated in doubling and tripling their bills while reaping record profits. They claim they need the extra costs to upgrade the infrastructue but never ask their stock holders to take less of the record profits. 
And while the Fed screams out about inflation and raises interest rates almost weekly, it is the poor and lower middle class who will suffer the greatest amount with those increases. And what they fail to admit is inflation post pandemic has more to do with price gouging by huge corporations than anything else. The Fed is more concerned with propping up the "market" than propping up those going to the markets.
This nation has been one that consumes and consumes, allows the military budget to take over half our national budget and refuses to adopt sensible healthcare for all. It spends obscene amounts of money on elections where only the rich can be elected rather than adopt election reform. It loses citizens on a weekly basis to mass shootings and refuses to do anything about controlling the availability of weapons meant to do only one thing, kill other humans. The stress of these senseless killings on local and federal budgets means less money for feeding those who are hungry.
We refuse to address homelessness where hunger is epidemic. We prefer to look at the homeless as the addict or alcoholic. Refuse to think of them as families sending kids to schools hungry. Refuse to think of them as working for poverty wages at large corporate run businesses. Refuse to understand the wage scale in this nation has been pathetically inadequate to keep up with the true cost of living. Politicians posture about balancing budgets and how a living wage as the minimum wage will kill businesses. They posture as they live opulent lifestyles totally out of touch with most of their constituents.
The capitalistic system has failed most of us because it promotes greed and consumption. It promotes continued destruction of the environment. And that destruction and consumption eventually causes more hunger. The heating of the planet created by the greed of industries emitting toxic wastes or destroying water supplies leads to horrific drought and massive wildfires killing farmlands and creating more refugees in the grips of food insecurity.
We can choose to ignore the hunger all around us or the escalating events that will increase hunger. As long as we have food we can choose to think all is well. We can look through the homeless population in our neighborhoods. Ignore children who go to school hungry. Ignore the elders who lack income and are in failing health that go hungry. We can choose to ignore but we will not be able to escape the ultimate effects of our ignorance. 

Wednesday, November 23

Apparently we have mass killing, mass shooting, daily shooting fatigue. We pass each day with some violence perpetrated by someone carrying a gun or semi-automatic/converted to automatic assault rifle. Yeah guns and rifles don't kill people. People do.
So, why is it the violence from weapons we so cherish in our constitution only at an epidemic level in this nation? Why does no other nation come anywhere near the death rate of this nation from the use the weapons we so cherish and are willing to literally fight for?
We witness the same ritual almost weekly. A shooter enters a safe haven, kills multiple innocent victims and either kills himself or is quickly arrested with a cache of weapons and ammunition.
Immediately newsrooms around the nation jump on the story with interviews of first responders, victims that survive and family and friends of victims and perpetrator. A shrine of flowers, teddy bears and other well intentioned items build at the site as a memorial.
At times it feels like some of those who gather to honor the victims try to insert themselves into the narrative rather than respect quietly the humans who have lost lives or been horribly traumatized. And the press covering the story is so rabidly in competition with one another to get a new angle they allow a ghoulish scene to happen.
Night after night the press continues with the story of the tragedy. Politicians typically give vapid and cliched quotes of thoughts and prayers for the victims. Pressed into questions about the availability of assault rifles and the frequency of mass killings, politicians will say, "now is not the time".
Inevitably the next mass killing occurs, leaving the previous one behind as old news. The circle of violence and public response continues like an uncontrolled merry-go-round of hate, anger, disaffection and ignored etiology.
The NRA and its apologists cry out about mental illness causing the slaughter. They tell us if we arm our teachers and ourselves we will be safer. Maybe one of the many free carry gun owners will take out a potential killer. And, maybe they will get into a fire fight and kill innocent bystanders.
The easy access to weapons has been left out of the reasons for mass killing. The streets of America are glutted with guns and rifles to kill other humans. Anyone suggesting a restriction of guns and rifles are quickly shouted down. There are so many weapons in the hands of people who are a danger to others it would take at least a generation of gun control before our culture of violence shows signs of slowing down.
There are some common threads to the mass shootings besides the possession of firearms. The motivation of a shooter that is usually male often turns out to be founded in hate and disaffection, Hate being normalized by politicians and religious zealots have unintended and intended consequences. 
The recent shooting at a LGBTQ nightclub exemplifies what can happen when the seeds of hate are used by the politician and zealot. Fake and jaded leaders tell us what they think appropriate and encourage shaming and assault of those who don't get in line.
Churches telling their congregations and school officials to bar men and women who may love one another 

Saturday, November 19

Pam and I are in the grips of a refresher course in grief and mourning. Our son, Isaac, died of an overdose on September 19th but we weren't informed of his death until October 15th. It wasn't a shocking development. He had a long struggle with addiction that he was unable to control. But, it was a shock to our spirits, a punch to our thinking process. 
We went through the motions required when one makes arrangements for their dead 47 year old son. It sapped our strength. Just a week before we heard of his death we had hiked for six straight day in the Telluride area. Our hikes were difficult and we persisted to reach our goals. So, we had strength, even at our ages. But hearing he had died was a physical and emotional train wreck. 
We pushed on and gained a small amount of perspective. Managed to talk about good memories of him growing up. We spent years of compartmentalizing our dread. We couldn't allow his addiction's destruction of his mind and body to overwhelm us. 
Being a combat vet during a tour with the USMC in 1968, I had an ingrained defense mechanism of depersonalization when death came into my life. But it's impossible to think "it don't mean nothing" when it's my kid.
On November 9th, Pam wanted to go visit her older brother south of the Pueblo area. He was about to have an 80th birthday but he had prostate cancer and it had spread throughout his body. He had just recently entered into home hospice visits.
Don was frail, cachexic and needed assistance to move to the bathroom or bedroom. He had an oxygen cannula in his nostrils.

Wednesday, April 15

We Don't Give a Damn About Education

Most Americans don't really give a damn about the education of their children. If they did they wouldn't tolerate the dumbing down of the public schools. They wouldn't tolerate the closing of neighborhood schools in the urban areas and the underfunding of the impoverished school districts. They wouldn't tolerate true education being sacrificed by insane achievement testing that only measures the obvious....the richer the school district the better the education. In truth, the testing requirements are a ploy to destroy teacher unions and privatize schools with lower wage and benefit packages. The truly insane part of the testing in Colorado is extra reward funding goes to the schools with the higher test scores. In other words the richer schools get extra money while the poorer districts already struggling don't get the needed help to educate their children in modern school buildings with the needed equipment and materials to keep pace.
But we must also condemn the way most educators educate. Every child, every human is unique in the way they learn. Some learn through the imposed verbal presentation of material most public and private schools use as their primary form or education. But many children learn from experiential ways of learning. They learn by doing things themselves. So how does this translate to writing a paper or doing math? Educators need to figure it out.
The truth about American education is it's about regimentation and being non-questioning of authority. It's about conformity. I vividly remember starting every day pledging my allegiance to the flag. I remember being punished as a very young student for "doodling" while a teacher droned on about a subject I couldn't find interest in learning about. My sons were exposed to the same conditions. One son during his first grade was punished for rocking his chair and figdeting. I asked the teacher when she called me if she'd ever studied the growth and development of children at the first grade age. Young boys and girls want to be active. Asking them to sit through hour after hour of classes is confining and numbing.
Asking children to take test after test that measure only rote memorization is a sham. Where are the tests that measure abstract thinking? Where are tests that measure creativity. Art and music have been phased out in many districts as being irrelevant. Is it testing that takes their places?
The truth about the educational system seldom comes up in discussion. We pay starting teachers less than cost of living salaries and think they'll somehow be motivated to become great teachers. We pay experienced teachers less than they can make in other fields. And yet we claim we care about education of our children.
The truth about the evangelical, Tea Party, right wing politicians is they want to impose their agenda on all children. They want their values, and only their values taught to children from kindergarten to graduation. Education to them is indocrination to their system of oligarchy where children are the future wage slaves to their economic model of the rich getting richer and the rest of the population staying under control and fearful of resisting and rebelling.

Tuesday, April 7

Bastards of War

The masters of war never give up. Even the thought of diplomacy or negotiation with a designated "enemy" fails to stop their bloodlust. AIPAC, the Republican congress, the Israeli prime minister and all the other followers of the war cabal could never accept talks with a nation like Iran. Every week it seems the consumate war purveyor, John McCain, has a pulpit on the Sunday national talk shows of main stream media.
Why is the media so enthralled with John McCain? Simple. He's a "war hero" who spent time in a POW camp in North Vietnam after he deliberately went off mission on a bombing run over Hanoi and was shot down by anti-aircraft fire. No one can question the torture or pain of his time as a prisoner of war. But, do we have to pander to his foolish and misguided view of the world that dicatates constant warfare? Apparently many of us think we do and the corporate masters make sure we constantly hear his destructive messages.
Then there's the Zionist, Benjamin Netanyahu. A blustering relic of times past that has revealed his racist nature time and again. He's never met a Palestinian he didn't hate it seems. Or maybe it's just "Arabs" in general as was seen in his recent re-election that included him crying out in the press the Arabs were trying to steal the election. He never bothered to mention the Arabs in question were legitimate citizens of Israel entitled to vote along side the non-Arab population. But the racist message seemed to work.
And Netanyahu has demonstrated his contempt for the black President time and again with numerous attempts to sabotage any possibility of peace talks with any Arab or Islamic nation or faction. Why have peace when an American financed military, including nuclear weapons, can be used to eradicate the indigenous people of the region that is now called Israel?  This has been the plan since the time of Ben Gurion in the early part of the 20th Century.
To question Israel's Zionist government always brings out the cries of "anti-semitism". We cannot question Israel in this nation without that outcry. Having a family history that includes my grandfather being forced out of Russia during the pogroms, I don't have a problem separating Judaism from Zionism. And there are millions in Israel that would concur but their voices will never be heard as long as the old guard Zionist governments continue. As long as the mainstream media fails to provide a balanced viewpoint of our world.
It saddens many of us to see the ghettos created by the Israeli government. They are strikingly similar to those created by the Nazis in Warsaw and throughout Europe during the lead up to and throughout World War II. I hesitate to make that analogy because it seems so vile but the reality of the West Bank and the lives of the Palestinians makes a compelling argument.
The bigger picture, however, is what and who is behind the constant hatred and violence. We can't believe the fanatics aligning themselves with the Muslim faith were created in a vacuum. The imposition of constant poverty, constant wars of imperialism that often took on the appearance of crusades by alleged Christian nations and the obvious plundering of natural resources by the rich oil barons surely has some role in creating these hate groups.
A century or more of occupation and colonial governments by the alleged Christian nations cannot be denied or overlooked as a source of hatred and discontent.
The Zionists constantly rant about "never again" but impose the very conditions they claim they don't want to occur again. And, they're forgetting their own history of being victimized, hated and killed for simply being who they are. Their repeat of such atrocities toward groups like Palestinians foments the fanatic backlash of suicide bombers and terrorist attacks around the world targeting them and their friends.
Using the creed of "an eye for an eye", or as Moshe Dayan once remarked there would be ten enemy killed for every Israeli killed, is a recipe for perpetual war.
For every action there will be a reaction and it all plays into the favor of the masters of war who reap the profits of humans killing humans in the sale of more and more destructive weapons and all that it entails in supplying armies of young cannon fodder.
When it comes to war the masters do not discriminate. They will sell to all sides to continue their profits. They simply see the individual warrior as a chess piece in the game of war which brings them huge profits.
Some might say this view is a twisted one. They actually believe the generals and politcians are running things. And that's what the masters of war in the military-industrial complex want us to believe. They hide in plain sight going about their destructive ways. They are the shadow government that owns the elected government by using their immense wealth to influence every election. They own the courts that have allowed them to throw even more money into buying the elections.
Their is a myth the American government has the interests of the citizens of this nation as the primary focus of their duties as elected officials. The not so hidden truth is their first priority is pleasing the masters who paid for their elections and will pay for their defeat should they not do as they demand.
The grand scheme in the modern "information age" has been to blitz the people with so many lies that the lies become the truth in the majority of the people's minds. Looking back to the Nazis we can find the seeds of this plan in the propaganda of Himmler and Goebels.
The grand scheme is to feign a desire to educate the people but actually create mindless followers of the masters' plan. The "dumbing down" of the American child has been under way for years. College freshmen more and more need remedial classes in writing, math and science in order to take prerequisite classes leading to a degree. The American educational system has fallen off a cliff. The American system trails far behind the top educational systems of the world in all areas.
But this is the plan. Keeping us consuming and stupid allows the masters of war to carry out the senseless wars with the majority of the people quite willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters in the spirit of patriotism. The majority of the population will cheer and wave flags as the preparation for one more war begins. They'll decorate their cars and homes with yellow ribbons and red, white and blue bunting to show their approval.
The other great tool of the masters is FEAR. They skillfully manipulate the media to present the world as a place to be afraid. There is always a threat to the "homeland". There are always demons who hate us because we are "free". And it goes back to the imposition of violence, poverty and occupation in far away lands perpetuated by the masters of war. Iraq in 2003 is a perfect example of how they took a nation that had an American imposed dictator in charge. But at least the people of Iraq lived without sectarian violence and hatred so evident today. Sunni married Shiite and lived in the same neighborhoods with each other.
Enter the masters of war under the guise of the American President, George Bush. The disruptions of economy and infrastructure, the devastation of "shock and awe" killing families, killing children and the imposition of an overseer like Paul Bremer led to the total disruption of the Iraqi society. Anarchy prevailed. Sectarian hatred and violence was promoted by the American handling of the occupation that came after the bombing and cruise missile attacks.
It was a familar strategy. The Phoenix  Program used in Vietnam was the model the masters of war followed. Create division and chaos that leads to violence and hatred among the occupied people. The hatred for the occupiers was a secondary gain that kept the American fear going. You kill a family's children, you create an insurgent or terrorist.
The masters will exploit every facet of poverty and the resulting violence to subdue the masses. They want total power and use their military and militarized police forces to enforce their power. Occupy movements, peace movements and free speech movements are bullied, infiltrated and destroyed if at all possible. Trying to globalize or nationalize protest is made nearly impossible.
My thoughts are my own but over 6 decades on the planet I've seen the patterns repeat themselves so many times I'm convinced there are no coincidences. We are at the mercy of the bastards of war. And failing to resist is failing our children and the future generations that follow us.

Saturday, April 4

The Hate of Coulter's Christ

Ann Coulter is quoted saying "the left" hates Christianity. She's right if she's referring to her brand of Christianity.
Coulter's Christ is a purveyor of wars immoral, a elitist oligarch that cares little or nothing about the poor and beleaguered and a hater of anybody that refuses to toe the line of the oligarchy's fanaticism. The Christ she and those she represents is not the prophet that walked with the poor, the radical who included whores and tax collectors and the person who spoke of loving one another as we would ourselves.
The bastardized version of Christianity preaching hate and vile racism, homophobia, sexism and disregard for all but the rich can only be hated by the true believers of what Jesus actually taught in his time on Earth. This form of Christianity is in actuality a fascist attempt by the elite to control the masses of people they want to exploit. They use Christianity as a sledge hammer to dictate behaviors they want to enslave the masses into becoming wage slaves and mindless consumers.
The use of Christianity for the wars of justice and freedom are no more legitimate than the fake Muslims calling for jihads against the infidels. Neither group cares about the truth or the intent of the religion they profess to represent. They care only about power and influence. These are the new Gestapo and Huns attempting to gain world domination and control of us "minions".
So, yeah, Ann, my left wing friends do hate your Christianity. Just as much as we hate all those who try to inflict injustice and bigotry on the world around them. Your provocative statements may get you another book deal, Ann, but it can't hide the hateful person you really are.

Cindy Sheehan, Loving Mother, Heroine

Mixed emotions about this day. Today Cindy Sheehan mourns the death of her son, Casey, eleven years ago. Cindy took her grief, her anger and depression and decided she wasn't going to just be the "good" mother of a "hero". Instead she resuscitated the American peace movement by going to George W. Bush's summer retreat in Crawford, Texas to demand he explain the death of Casey and so many others for an illegal and immoral war. Veterans and activists all over the nation heard her message and joined her. Cindy never turned back from her activism. She had herself arrested countless times in civil disobedience against a government that has perpetually kept us at war and disregarded the lives of those they send to be slaughtered. Or to slaughter others.
Cindy Sheehan has honored Casey and all us veterans who went to foreign lands thinking we were patriotic but discovering we were duped and mere pawns of a rogue nation stolen from the people by the rich oligarchs. She has never gotten her answer from Bush or any other President.
But today is that terrible day that has come around eleven consecutive years now. And will come around for as long as Cindy lives. Today is the day a mother grieves for a child taken from this life in the beginning of his life. Today is the day a mom remembers the notification and all the other details of the horror she prayed and dreaded would never occur. The day her son became forever young.
Cindy is not alone in her experience. There's memorials, walls and statues all over Washington D.C. making it clear we are a nation that sacrifices its young for the racketeers and gangsters of the military-industrial complex.
No, Cindy is merely a personification of every parent who has had a son or daughter in one of those wars and dreaded seeing a stranger approaching their homes. She's an elegant example of a parent who loved her child and refused to go softly into the night when he was taken from her by a senseless war. She's every child's mother that sees through the lies and corruption of the masters of war.
I can only imagine how she feels today. I know I feel grief for her loss and never met Casey. I can only think of my two sons and how I would feel if I lost one of them in such a way. I truly hope Cindy can find some comfort today from all those who are thinking of her, care for her and send their love her way. And think of all the other moms and dads who suffer silently for the same reason.
Will we truly find the cost of freedom buried in the ground? Or in the faces of parents like Cindy?
Blessings to you on this day of sadness, Cindy.

Tuesday, January 27

Why Care

Ah, my blog!
Been a long time since I've entered anything. Seems social media has taken the place I once had for blogging. Does anyone still blog?
The world has changed very little since last time. The politicians remain the bought off whores of the Koch brother types. The rich get richer while the middle class is rapidly becoming a myth. The poor are chastised and cast out for being a drag on the "system". The heartless, vacuous "system" where success is measured by the accumulation of wealth and material things. Starving families, homeless humans, never-ending war, slaughters around the world, school shootings and police brutality all flourish in this "system". We seem to have a "systemic plague".  A plague of disparity of wealth. A plague of the rich being able to ignore the incredible wasteland they leave in their paths to accumulating more and more.
Polarization of ideas and ideologies keep the people from acting against the true villains. Main stream media is the tool of the rich and powerful to subdue the masses. We have become narcotized and desensitized to the reality of life's horrors. Created by those we allow power.
But, no one seems to care. Why should I? Why should you?

Saturday, July 19

Sick of Religion

Sick of religion. Sick of the priests, ministers, deacons, rabbis, mullahs and all “leaders” of churches claiming their god is the only god. Claiming their god is the god of peace of love. Sick of the pontificating, self-righteous men who teach our daughters sickening dependency and self-loathing. Sick of the self-appointed, self-aggrandizing moral leaders who push the children of the world into violence and hatred toward all who disagree with their religion’s “morality”.
Sick of Zionists armed by this “Christian” nation’s deadly weaponry maintaining apartheid in Palestine. The alleged “chosen people” claim they will never forget the holocaust, the ghettoes and brutality inflicted on them. But their actions of brutality, killing of children and deliberate and systematic purge of the indigenous population of Gaza and the rest of their apartheid ghettoes clearly show they have forgotten. They claim self-defense when they kill children who throw rocks in defiance of occupation. Children facing automatic weapons and armored vehicles. Zionists forget the Jewish resistance in the ghettoes of Warsaw and other European cities.  They claim the right of an eye for an eye but refuse to look in their moral mirrors to see the foolish tyrants they have become.
Sick of ayatollahs claiming they are the guardians of Islamic belief and morality while they plot to kill innocent children of each other’s followers and the “infidels” they alone define. Sick of their hatred of women. Their fear women may try to become equals of men. Sick of the Sharia law being used to oppress and degrade. Sick of fanaticism leading the young to sacrifice themselves in suicidal killings of others. Sick of children being indoctrinated to hate.
Sick of the holy wars and jihads in the name of the gods and saviors the religious masters claim to be moral. Sick of the hate and evil carried out in the name of the gods. Sick of the false idols being used for deviant acts of brutality, oppression of the weak, racism and discrimination against gays. Sick of evangelicals using Christ’s words to justify their malevolence.  Sick of Catholics crying about discrimination when five men on the Supreme Court carry out the Catholic agenda through overt distortion of justice. While they continue to endorse their Knights of Columbus and overlook the symbolic insult of Columbus to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  
Sick of the cowards who hide behind their “love” of god to carry out their evil acts against other humans. Sick of politicians using their gods to enrich themselves and impoverish the already impoverished. Sick of them closing each deceitful speech with “God bless America”.
Sick of this “Christian nation” constantly falling back on their god and Jesus to justify the perpetual wars and attempts for world domination. The American exceptionalism, manifest destiny and god’s will does not exempt “we the people” from the responsibility of the evil done in our name. Citing “In God We Trust” doesn’t forgive the atrocities done in his name.
Sick of religion. Sick that it has been the driving force behind history’s worst atrocities. It has wreaked more havoc and chaos in the name of gods and idols than the evil of nationalism and capitalism. Sick of religion’s attempt to control rather than enhance the world it claims to love.
If I were a praying man, I would pray all the false prophets and their mindless followers get to meet their “kind and loving” gods and saviors. I would pray they meet their maker and true judgment and justice is meted out to them for all their sins against the world they have lived in. I would pray they get to journey to the hell they so fear and have caused so many to endure on this earth. I would pray for final justice to be given to those who have so bastardized the teachings of the true prophets.
These are the thoughts of a true heretic and infidel who reject the teachings of false messengers of the religions of this world I live in. Someone who has a palpable dislike for the disease called religion.