How proud we must be in this country that our soldiers are slightly reprimanded for stuffing a human head first in a sleeping bag and sitting on him while holding a hand over his mouth until he dies. It was necessary interrogation says the defendant.
I’ve been a longtime veteran’s advocate since my own days as a combat infantryman in Vietnam with the Marine Corps. The reprimand of Lewis Welshofer, a 43 year old Chief Warrant Officer, for the death of an Iraqi general while using the “in terror gation” methods mentioned sickens me.
It sickens me he and the troops he served with think he did nothing wrong. It sickens me there was applause when the jurors of military peers overlooked murder. It sickens me this slap on the wrist condones the policies of torture carried out.
I’ve long fought for PTSD treatment and other benefits for returning veterans. I now have to wonder if the display of conscience at Fort Carson is an indicator of the returning troops. If so they’ll have no problems with PTSD because conscience and morality are necessary to be afflicted with the disorder.
I know there is going to be the justification Welshofer was “just doing his job” against a bad guy. I’ve already heard that once the Iraqi general was dead, the level of violence decreased.
I’m not one for hyperbole in describing despicable acts of war but this jury and this reaction by both defendant and the troops supporting him smacks of Nazi Germany. “Just doing my job” in committing atrocities is exactly what the Nazis said after WWII.
I also know there will be the defenders of Welshofer saying “you weren’t there” to know the circumstances. To them I say; I was there when an interrogation of a Vietnamese woman included a pistol whipping with a .45 and water torture. It sickened me then and this sickens me now.
I was ashamed to be an American then as I am now.
Welshofer failed in his duty as a leader with 19 years of duty in the Army. Instead of being the positive role model needed for younger troops, he has become the “ugly American” so often seen in foreign lands.
I could say I hope Welshofer and his men can sleep at night but really, I don’t. I hope they lose sleep over this despicable action and the jury decision. I hope the jurors lose sleep. That would be an indication they’ve not lost their humanity totally.
Sadly, I fear in today’s America, a culture of violence and hatred without responsibility, Welshofer, his men and the jurors sleep without problem.
We all have been diminished by their actions. All veterans have lost honor because of them.
Terry L
USMC, Combat veteran Vietnam ’67-69
Since I'm the rare Canadian who knows that our hands are dirty too, I often heistate to comment on or think too much about American politics except for where it directly affects us. Having said that, it frankly scares the shit out of me to see the things America is now capable of. I no longer feel like we have a friend to the south but a threat.
One of our PMs said living next to the US is "like sharing a bed with an elephant." Since Sept 11, I feel like the elephant is having an awful nightmare. Bill O'Reilly is the trunk. Or the anus. I haven't decided which yet.
If it makes you feel any safer, a federal judge in Ithaca, NY just sentenced the first defendant of the St. Patrick's four to a 6 month term in federal prison. The four non-violent resisters went to a recruitment office and poured their blood on some material. While acquitted in a local court the feds decided to prosecute for blocking the duties of a federal agent...i.e. the recruiter.
The message is kill the rag-head, camel jockey all you want but don't interfere with getting our sons and daughters killed.
Go with your gut ....we're a rogue elephant led by the anus.
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