I read and hear many discussions about the wars and it's clear what the cost of war is about.
It's about the legacy of Martin Luther King being systematically destroyed by the regime of white power brokers.
It's about a police force that thinks with a little gap of time the citizens will forget the murders of children and the oppressed. They think because the victims were black and brown they'll be forgotten and the cops who killed will be back on the job with little consequence.
It's about a mental health center already failing in the mission to serve the medically indigent bullying it's workers. It's about the center comparing healthcare to Wal-Mart.
It's about the most oppressed class of citizen, the mentally ill, once again being victimized by the bean-counters.
The cost of war is about humans being labelled as illegal because they cross a border to feed their families and themselves.
It's about corrupt in action and in mind politicians using the plight of the poor to win elections and divert us from the true illegals. The bastards in power who think we bring democracy by bombing homes with children asleep. The illegals who torture humans and try to change the law rather than change their behaviors.
The cost of war is the failure of our society to provide adequate schools for our children but finding huge sums of money to fight illegal wars and build highways.
It's about blatant cronyism by a morally corrupt system of government led by a morally corrupt administration spouting religious cliches while all the time breaking international laws and the laws of God.
The cost of war is about 12 percent of the world's population consuming 80 percent of it's goods. We all know who we are and we are part of the problem.
The cost of war is about struggling families having both parents working and still not being able to have the human right to medical care.
It's about so-called Christian hospitals charging the medically indigent 7-10 times more for the same procedure an insured patient's insurance company pays.
It's about collection agencies hired by the Christian hospitals dogging the uninsured families and destroying their credit to the point they can't buy a house or a car on credit.
The cost of war is about the highest infant mortality rate of all "developed nations".
It's about the lack of prenatal care for poor mothers without insurance.
It's about babies being born prematurely because the mother didn't get that care.
The cost of war is about imprisoning a generation of black and brown brothers and sisters because there's a lack of treatment for addictive substances.
It's about inhumane caging of humans for a cost much higher than the treatment would have cost.
The cost of war is about allowing Darfur and Rwanda to die of genocide and disease without lifting a finger to prevent the slaughter.
It's about starving Iraqi children for a decade before bombing them.
The cost of war is about the steady erosion of freedom for the citizens of this nation so frightened about the events of September 2001 they capitulate to be "protected".
It's about going along with fascist tactics and calling them patriotic.
It's about destroying and ostracizing any person daring to object and dissent.
I could continue with a multitude of examples.
The essential idea and concept of what this war is costing us must go beyond the soldiers and the victims of the direct combat.
Billions of dollars are diverted from the needs of the poorest and weakest and from future generations.
My grandchildren may never know clean air and the right to speak out against injustice.
Katrina will happen again, and again, we will see the poor sacrificed.
There is a Katrina in every state waiting to happen and the cost of war will allow the same result.
It is past time for us to talk about the costs of war that we've ignored or put on hold.
It does not dilute or take away the focus of stopping the war to include all who are victimized by the war.
We allow large organizations to tell us what we should focus on doing but we are being scammed by them.
They have an agenda to seize power but do they have an agenda to make the truly necessary changes?
The dots of the cost of war are there for us to connect. Revealing the truth, however ugly, is the only true way we can stop the oppression of constant war, constant war industry and constant corruption of our government.
The Constitution is a piece of historical rhetoric starting off with "we the people". We the people are the only ones capable of bringing revolution against tyranny.
Terry Leichner
I object and I dissent!!!
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