coke, snow, blow, girl, toot, nose candy, flake, yeah, yeah yo, big c, blow, the lady, white, powder, and cola.
crack cocaine
hey ain’t that the shit of the getto?
yeah, man, you think of it and you think getto.
crack cocaine
the brothers all smoke it but none of those white boys do it, do they?
you know what I mean. that shit fucks you up.
look here, you see on the tube and it’s the getto kids doin’ it
CR ack
CRA ck
damn, that stuff fuck you up and it can kill you.
no treatment for it
sorry motha fucka’s get all strung out on it
leave their shit all over da place.
CRACK Cocaine
CRACK CO caine
yeah the shit kill you. …more you do the more you want.
make you rob, steal and cheat like a fuckin’ bitch
make you wanna off yourself when you ain’t high
take away your family and your friends
I hear a white boy die of it the other day
rich white boy?
no some motha fucka went to some city school
but his daddy was a nam vet
right there is what kill that boy
what you mean
the motha fucka’s daddy a killer in nam, man
and the kid did crack cause he a mean motha fucka
crack cocaine is one of the most addictive substances known to man
it is largely considered to be a drug of the inner city
it is considered to be a cheap drug and often used by people of color
except for those young white kids from the inner city,
and from the suburbs
and from the country
crack cocaine doesn’t discriminate
it knows only one color, that color is green
it kills without prejudice
I am the mean motha fucka
the nam vet
my kid has used since he was twelve
my other kid has used about the same length of time
I’m the mean motha fucka
my white kids use crack
they don’t live in the getto
they don’t live in the ghetto
they don’t’ live in the ghetto
they don’t live in the ghetto
my white kids
my junkie white kids
my crack cocaine smoking junkie white kids not living in the ghetto
my sons, my two beautiful sons, my strong sons
my sons
use crack
dear god, they use crack, my sons….
goddamn, my beautiful sons use crack
and there ain’t one goddamn thing I can do
I wake up and wonder if there is a god
cause my two beautiful sons are crack junkies
I wake up wondering how much fucking Vietnam had to do
with my two sons using crack.
I fucking go insane thinking about it..
I fucking go insane
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