The day after a sinister tape of Osama Bin Laden is shown; George Bush begins a campaign to save his domestic spying apparatus. Interesting timing but no one could ever accuse the Bush folks of not capitalizing on fear and threat for their own ends.
Polls show approximately 51 percent of Americans favor their government spying on them to protect them. Question is what are we protecting once we’ve given away most of our freedoms?
Like sheep the American people have followed this man off the edge of the democratic cliff. The rights given up have become so many the U.S. is beginning to resemble a junta in South America.
I hear from the sheep who agree with the treachery of this administration say they “have the right to be protected” from terrorists. I wonder how the revocation of the freedoms this country was supposedly based on protects them.
The same people will tell me the soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting for our freedom and democracy for the people in those countries. I get confused with this logic.
First they say they are willing to give up those freedoms taken and even more to be protected. But then they say we’re getting young men and women from America and countless innocents killed for freedom and democracy. This isn’t logical or sane. And the issue of terrorists is constantly overlooked by American sheep, many who still believe Iraq somehow had something to do with 9-11.
Many still believe Osama was allied with Iraq when Saddam was in power. Many still believe there were weapons of mass destruction.
The American sheep will allow the poor to go down the drain to be “free and protected”. Hurricane Katrina was clear evidence of that. The cuts in Medicaid and the scam of Medicare will further draw the poorest and the weakest to the very edge of the precipice.
The American sheep will allow their children’s and their grandchildren’s futures to be mortgaged away to make bombs for protection. The education of children will continue to be abysmal as funding continues to go for teaching children how to kill in the military.
The American sheep will allow their jobs to be sold to China by Wal-Mart as they continue to reward Wal-Mart with their business. They will continue to lose benefits like healthcare and pensions at record rates as they continue to rip unions for taking dues to protect them against such losses.
The American sheep will continue to vote, thinking their vote is honestly counted when there is more compelling evidence the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen by means of electronic voting machines. Machines manufactured by friends of Bush. And it will continue to happen.
The American sheep only bleat loudly when there are threats against the right to carry firearms and the sports and entertainment idols are taken away by real news about the real world.
Like all sheep, the wool will be taken from them and they will become sacrificed at the altar of the powerful and rich. Their pleading eyes will look up at their “masters of war” in confusion and bewilderment.
The American sheep will die on their knees right after they’ve sacrificed the dissenting black sheep to protect themselves. Their security will be a false dream of lies and deceit.
The American sheep will enslave a generation or more of their own to be “protected” from terrorists. They still don’t get the terrorists are the very ones they ask for protection.
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