G.W. Bush has spoken the truth today. He let them liberals and commie bastards have it right where it hurts. They tried revising history but my President rightfully corrected them.He reminded them Dems they saw the same stuff he saw about weapons of mass deduction.
It wasn't his fault the liberal spies of the CIA couldn't get things right. It wasn't his fault the Brits didn't tell him about the lack ofweapons of mass deception before he sent the boys over to kill terrorists.
Besides we got Saddam didn't we? People ought to be thankful that bastard is no longer around to torture and maim people. Why he dropped illegal weapons on innocent civilians. What a barbaric thing to do.
You watch, someday soon there will be a connection made that Saddam helped plan 9-11. I'm confident the new intelligence guy will find what the President wants.
The President's right about the troops having their morale lowered by these idiots calling for their withdrawal immediately. Just think how they'd feel leaving Iraq to Islamic terrorist who have no respect for life. And letting them have all that oil would be a catastrophe.
That's why we had to level that damn Fallujah. The Islamic terrorists had taken over the place. Sure some kids and old ladies got killed but that's how war goes. It happens in every war.
And besides, you can't trust the kids. They might be terrorists in training. And some of those old people don't have nothing to live for so they just become suicide bombers. Hell they don't even have running water in that place.
The liberals are always talking about the negative things. Like torturing those bastards at Abu Ghraib. If they weren't terrorists they wouldn't have been there. We don't just grab anybody off the street to put in prisons like that.
We need to talk about all the good things that our boys have done since they got there. Look at the new democracy they have. Our boys stood guard so they could vote. They even looked after the vote count so they could know who they elected.
Then there's the construction they've got going. We have new air bases being built. Halliburton and KBR are on it. And what do they get back from all of it? Accusations they're making money. So what!! Business is supposed to make money or they go out of business.
Those airbases are going to make sure Iraqis are safe the rest of their lives. Our boys make sure Halliburton guys get to work and back. They guard the bases where the work is going on.
We need to help the troops out by supporting them. We've given them big parades every time they come back to the U.S.. Hell, some of those guys have had three parades.
We should show our support by flying Old Glory wherever we can. I swell up with pride at seeing those cars go by with the flag flying off their ski racks. We should get those ribbon things to show our support too. I got three on my car.
I drive through the parking lot at church and see a whole bunch of them. The social action committee sold them a while back to do fund raising for the church.
And everybody's complaining about lack of armor for our boys. I saw on the news our guys just take the armor off the burned out Iraqi tanks and weld it on their vehicles. That's Yankee ingenuity for you.
I'm glad the President has kept the public from seeing the dead troops' caskets when they come back. The family needs their privacy. Just leave flowers at the graves if you want to show respect.
That damn Sheehan woman has a lot of damn gall. They should arrest that woman. She ain't the only one who got a kid killed over there. You don't see the rest of them making damn fools of themselves. They keep their mouths shut to honor their boys.
My boys almost enlisted. Then they got offers to work at Exxon and couldn't turn that down. Hell, they make ten times as much as they could've made in the Army. It'd be foolish to give that up. They'd have died for our President, though; if they'd have gone.
They're true blue patriotic. They fly the flag on their new houses they just bought. They buy those rubber wrist bands, too.
The other day a bunch of those damn scruffy looking war vets who say they're against the war showed up. My boys went and stood on the corner for nearly four hours showing the flag and letting those guys have it.
Just because they got wounded they think they should have special priviliges. Hell, I had to cut back on my four-wheeling up in the national park because the gas prices shot up so bad. We're sacrificing here,too.
My friends don't take their RV out nearly as much as they used to. And they loved to take it out on the road and go camping. I went once with them. They even had t.v. and a satelitte dish. I love camping but it's kind of bad for getting all dirty.
I heard a bunch of those peacenik vets went down to New Orleans and tried to butt in on FEMA and the Red Cross. Took a bunch of stuff down there and tried to go out without permission from FEMA.
I feel bad about things down there but what the hell can you expect if you're going to live below sea level next to a levee?
Barbara Bush was right. They had it a lot better in Houston than where they came from. Now they're all going to get free trailers to live in like they did in Punta Gorda, Florida. Look at them..they been allowed to stay over a year in government housing.
We only get occasional forest fires around here. One year it almost got the trees we have right outside our bedroom window. I need to trim that one cause the branches are scraping against the house.
So, anyway, I think the President is right to jump down the throats of them liberals. Look at all these investigations they started. Hell, Cheney's guy had to quit because there's a vendetta going on. The guy didn't do anything close to what that damn Clinton did.
What...he talked to a reporter. So what? Now the New York Times have got rid of her. Just like them to go after the only conservative reporter they had.
You watch, when we get all those bases built the Iraqis will be cheering us in the streets. They have a new constitution and free elections. We're even paying some of them for the deaths of guys who were in a place we were bombing or shelling.
What the hell they expect if they hang around when our boys are fighting those terrorists they hide in their towns? The peaceniks say it's an occupation. Well all I got to say is freedom ain't free.
I think my President did the right thing to use Veterans Day to tell it like it is. Someone's got to tell the truth about things. And George is a man of God. He's got God in back of him to make sure the truth is known.
That's why Kerry lost. Even them Catholic priests wouldnt give him confession because he wouldn't speak out about all the abortions going on. And the homosexual marriages. If God wanted men marrying men or women marrying women there'd be something in the Bible.
I've read the Bible and there's nothing saying there should be those kinds of marriages. It sure says a lot about war, though.
You look inthe old testament and it talks plenty about God's people going to war against the evil-doers. My President knows all this and goes by what the "good book" says. He's not afraid to say he's a Christian.
I mean Jesus would have wanted our President to acknowledge he's a Christian and to do the Christian thing. Our President says God even talks to him. I believe it.
Well that's all I got to say. I think there's a tape of a NASCAR race about to start. If that's not on, I'm pretty sure Survivor's on. They got that ex-Dallas Cowboy quarterback on there. I'll bet he wins the whole thing.
My parting words are America, love it or leave it. And if you're an illegal get the hell out. Quit taking our jobs.
This article written by WilliamTerry Leichner
It was meant to stereotype all groups and beliefs. If I missed your particular group or belief let me know for next time
1 comment:
Yeah, there are a lot of young people as well as us older folks who don't care either way. Bush and cronies count on the public at large being apathetic as long as they have no real stake.
The "beauty" of the "military" is the families without children and the non-participant military age Americans can pick or choose to be concerned.
The reality of the military being voluntary, of course, is the impoverished, the lower middle class seeking education and the unemployed find the recruiting pitch better than they can find elsewhere. Thus, the "poverty draft" occurs.
Like John Fogerty says, "I ain't no Senator's son".
The young and restless can choose to avoid the happenings in the Middle East but they won't escape the fallout.
There will be a huge impact on every community by the costs of these wars. Already is if we look at all the social programs being sliced and diced by the feds.
PTSD will play a large role in the impact of returning vets on their communities. Spousal abuse, child abuse, increased substance abuse, increased crime, increased incarceration, increased homelessness and violence of many types will be the bill due if we can't prevent chronic PTSD from occurring.
The VA has waiting times of 6 months and more for the first appointment to get treatment for PTSD. They have cut the therapy times from 50 minutes to 30 min and from once a week to once a month.
We can pay now or pay later but we will pay.
Depleted uranium will begin to impact the returning vets within five years. They'll start showing signs and symptoms of radiation poisioning. The government will deny any connection with their service.
Birth defects, leukemias, soft tissue cancers and a wide range of medical problems will occur.
Ok, so that's the veteran. Tons of depleted uranium has been used and when it is part of the detonation of a rocket, missile, artillery shell or big caliber round of a gun the DU aerolizes into fine particles of radioactive material. The particles are far smaller than asbestos or similar substances known to cause lung and respiratory problems.
The particles spread out into the sands of Iraq and Afghanistan, into their water systems and the wind blows them all around.
These same particles can be blown up into the atmosphere's air currents and travel around the world.
Suddenly we've got a big payback for our use of a banned form of weaponry.
So, I guess, to those who don't care one way or the other, it might be sooner than they think that they care.
I'll post something I wrote to those who are "only doing their duty". I have some strong feelings about that attitude of servitude.
Thanks so much for your insightful question. Few people have ever asked that particular question.
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