While this was the bloodiest day of US losses, Bush deliberately avoided direct mention of the helicopter crash. He didn't want to focus on the negative. This is the 1984 double-speak we're going to hear. Can't have the American people so upset we might actually give a damn some families' son or daughter was lost in the ongoing orgy of hate, violence and war.Better we go out and put the flag at half mast and buy some more ofthose magnetic yellow ribbons for our cars. That way our kids will know we care. Of course we will never know the bloodiest day for the innocent Iraqi citizens. We don't do body counts! We don't talk about collateral damage or unintended casualties. We don't say we're sorry. We do as our President and Commander-in- Chief says to quote a young man in DC on Jan 20.We're just doing our duty and if they ask that's what we say. We can always fry the enlisted and lower rank officers if things go bad. And why should we care, it's a volunteer military and they're just doing their "job". We don't have to accept any responsibilty because we chose another career path and we're just doing our jobs. Maybe we can get Springsteen in town to make us care. He draws big crowds and likes to take on social causes. Then we can participate int he cause and enjoy good music too.It takes a lot of energy to go ask the government to please stop killing people, animals and other living things. And the snow is so good up in the mountains, sorry I need a break. Hey I'd go but the new Survivor starts tonight and all that killing stuff reallydepresses me. Oh it never does any good to protest. I'm not into that stuff. We need to make sure we don't upset anybody because then we lose credibility. Besides people dying isn't near as important as getting voting machines that will let us have a fair election. So we can vote for....Dean?, Nader? Clinton? ....well maybe some savior candidate will appear. Democracy Now or is it Democracy Then? When exactly did we lose our rights? Was it when we were watching the Sox win the pennant? Or maybe when we decided all politicians are corrupt and why vote? Or when we let them pass a city ordinance to kick poor people off the mall.Where's the body count story? Oh, there it is on page 60. I think it was the story after the Dumb Friends pledge drive on Channel 9. No,it was after the weather on Channel 7. God, did you see that little girl all blood splattered from her parents being shot by the American soldiers? I wish they'd quit putting that stuff on the front page. It really upsets me. And besides it just gives those terrorists more fuel to go out killing people. Protesting no longer works. The tactics of the past don't work today. We need to do a PR campaign where it grabs people's attention. Maybe we can put a billboard up that says PEACE NOW or Support the troops,bring them home. I can't go to jail even if I do believe in the cause. I can't break the law. Do you believe they locked up people over three years without a trial? Gee, I saw those torture pictures from Abu whatever, gross. I had to stop looking. Hey the cops wouldn't have shot him if he'd put the knife down..and besides he was retarded. Those types are crazy. Can you believe three nuns were sent to prison? The evil of abortion is intrinsically more evil than war which can sometimes be justified or the death penalty. The Archbishop says so. He's the leader of the Church. I saw today is the anniversary of Auschwitz - over a million killed there alone. Yeah, well that many or more died in Cambodia. I heard 3 million VietNamese died in the war. That's nothing, they say one nuke can kill millions in just minutes. Those nuns shouldn't have broken the law. They had their chance to plead out. Hey they dropped charges against the Columbus day parade protesters!! Yeah, the News and Post say they should grow up because all they did was violate the Italians' rights by not letting them have a parade in peace. They're trying to compare Columbus to Hitler...that's really stupid. Besides those tribes had cannibals. I think I read there were over 10 million indigeneous people north of Mexico when Columbus arrived. By the 1700's there were only one million left. How'd that happen? Ok, so what's the point?
I'm just going to quit watching the news and reading the newspaper. Ok Mr. President.
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