What does an old man tell a young man or woman today?
I can’t tell you opportunity for a better life exists that doesn’t.
Can’t tell you there are jobs with good pay when there aren’t.
I can’t tell you the crack, ecstasy and smack will leave the scene.
Can’t tell you gangs won’t bang; racism and sexism wont stay.
I can’t tell you babies won’t have babies; young men will be responsible.
Can’t tell you hungry kids won’t go to overcrowded and decaying schools.
I can’t tell you cops won’t roust the black and brown brothers and sisters.
Can’t tell you justice is equal for all and jails will free those caged unjustly.
I can’t tell you date rapes will stop or men will understand no means no.
Can’t tell you the AIDS and HIV plague will be cured anytime soon.
I can’t tell you old men will understand the problems of the young.
Can’t tell you child abuse, spouse abuse and neglect will stop at all.
I can’t tell you someone won’t break your heart and leave you crying.
Can’t tell you special people in your life won’t leave or keep dying.
I can’t tell you politicians aren’t corrupt and sell you out without a doubt.
Can’t tell you greed, corruption, pollution and poverty will ever end.
I can’t tell you the world will get better anytime soon or anytime at all.
Can’t tell you good news when bad news prevails, I only wish I could.
I can tell you about war, brutality, sleepless nights and nightmares.
Can tell you recruiters will assure there are opportunities and jobs.
I can tell you how the military will make promises they won’t keep.
Can tell you once you sign you become a number, an instrument, a tool.
I can tell you the DI will try breaking you and taking away your identity.
Can tell you, if at war, the hate words about enemies will start immediately.
I can tell you they want you not to question and to take away your humanity.
Can tell you they’re serious when they boast you’re a killer of the USA.
I can tell you they won’t teach about the culture of the other side.
Can tell you they want you to hate and kill without a thought or doubt.
I can tell you training you get will never prepare for what is real.
Can tell you all the glory and ideals of war are only phony myths.
I can tell you death you see is real and there will be no game-overs.
Can tell you bombs and rockets can’t sort the babies from the men.
I can tell you friends will die and cry in pain and you’ll want no more.
Can tell you nothing will surprise soon about the brutal game of war.
I can tell you death is unpredictable; seldom makes any sense who or why.
Can tell you life is changed forever and your youth gone if you don’t die.
This old man hopes you stop and think before you let them have their way.
Terry Leichner, RN
USMC combat infantryman
Vietnam - Dec 31, 1967 – Feb 12, 1969
India Company, 3rd Batallion, 5th Marines
Purple Heart (2), Bronze StarCo-founder Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Denver
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