So Governor Bill Owens is outraged by the statements of Ward Churchill and appalled by the resulting violence that occurs following a right wing witch hunt not seen since the days of McCarthyism.
It’s become overtly clear the Bill of Rights has been lost again. For the past week the conservatives and the gutless Democrats have wrung their hands about an essay written three years ago. They’ve created a media circus over an essay taken totally out of context while the rest of the world burns, starves, freezes or explodes as a result of politicians either not doing their jobs or selling out to the highest bidder.
But once again, the local media would rather chase fire trucks or issues inane than actually do serious journalism.
The media frenzy has become the famous tactic of Karl Rove and all his little robots. When the rich and elite hear ideals and thoughts they don’t like they attack like vicious and rabid dogs. Character assassination to defend the indefensible like preemptive wars, deaths of children, failure of social programs for the poor and weakest are the masterpieces of the conservative right who want all free speech to filter through their ears, their religions and their “value” system.
The lapdog media gathers in frenzy and milks every drop of blood from lies and innuendoes fed to them by the “masters”. And the illiterate Americans who survive on 30 second sound bites representing as news cry out in rage right on cue. It would strain the brains of the average “Joe” to actually read an in-depth article detailing the reasons why most of the world fears and hates this country and its people. We look upon life as if a football game and relish intimidation and fear tactics toward anybody who disagrees with us.
We never want to accept social or cultural differences that might be opposed to the European culture. We never want to accept responsibility for actions of our government or ourselves disenfranchising another group. If we don’t like history in this nation, we just revise it to suit our whims and our biases. It prevents us from ever maturing beyond the mindset of a toddler.
We’re an immediate gratification society who cares little about the rest of the world. In fact we contemptuously look upon the rest of the world as beneath us and feel entitled to rape and pillage its natural resources and enslave its poorest to manufacture our items of comfort.
We’ve become Wal-Mart tacky and crude. We never give a thought from where the cheap goods come just as long as they keep coming. It strains our brain too much to think about social issues of oppression against black, brown, red or yellow brothers and sisters.
It complicates our lives to actually try to understand reasons for war or terrorism. And if they do it to us we’re entitled to ten times the retribution. American lives are more important than any other lives as is well evidenced by any war we perpetrate. Americans lose thirty soldiers in one day and it takes precedence to the thirty thousand killed by Americans.
We are arrogant, lazy and stupid. Just like the rest of the world claims. We elect vapid and shallow men and women to lead us without question based on lies and viciousness. We don’t inform ourselves why we send our children out to hunt other humans to kill them or be hunted and be killed. We accept the words of the corrupt elite who strive every day to keep us from the truth.
We follow religious leaders who fatten themselves on the monies of their congregations, twist and distort spiritual ideals for their own good and claim to be chosen by God. These clerics decry the fundamentalism in the Muslim world but they are the Christian and Jewish Ayatollahs of this land.
The politicians and the religious have made a pact with evil to further their own agenda and could care less about the poor and weakest. Bill Owens, George Bush, James Dobson, Charles Chaput and all their clones have mastered controlling the minds of the simple. They’ve used the simple minded to intimidate the people who think for themselves in mob actions and character assassinations across this country.
Only when the people of this country come out of their self imposed coma will their lives be better. Only when they lose their jobs, their security, their children and their life style will they realize once again they’ve been duped. As in the fascist and oppressive nations it may be too late to undo what has taken place. And this American empire will fall like all other empires intolerant of diversity and responsibility.
1 comment:
Thanks for your kindness. I've read through your blog and enjoyed your poetry and writing. You have a powerful way with words. Please feel free to post anytime on Visions of Peace.
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