Thursday, October 16

Wallowing in The Mud Of John McSwine

How Bush, Rove and Cheney-like is John McCain? His latest attempt to smear ACORN, a community organization that advocates for lower income families and for voter registration is how much McNasty has become Bush, Rove and Cheney-like.
Just seeing the FBI entering the ACORN offices the day following the hyperbole of McSwindle at the debate is message enough about the "class warfare" he was bitching about last night. The rich white guys of corporate Amerika with their Richie Rich son of the Admiral surrogate has declared war on the voting rights of the poor and lower middle class citizens.
The last two elections these contempible bastards managed to steal elections with rigged voting machines, ignoble voter challenges and rigged long lines in the most likely to vote Democrat communities. This time around, they're really afraid because of unprecendented voter registration not only by ACORN but by many, many other groups. Turns out the Democrats have registered more than the Republicans.
So, it must be a conspiracy by ACORN to cheat reasons the idiot who would follow the idiot to the Presidency. A massive voter fraud that threatens the democratic fabric of this nation, he storms. Where the hell was he at in 2000 and 2004??
Well, we know where he was at. In one of those 7 homes he lost count of owning. Living on the wealth of his rich wife and seeking to find a way to fulfill his destiny of being "Commander-In-Chief", a position his Admiral daddy never got. Johnny boy doesn't so much want to be President as he wants to be the man who gets to play with all the toy soldiers on the strategy board of world domination. He'll get to bomb and shoot all those Iranians and Islamo-fascists just like the good ol' days before he became the hero POW.
"I know veterans", he says but lacks the put up so he should shut up. He is the worst kind of veteran; one who never learns from the mistakes of history. One who remains 25 and likes to blow up things, likes to talk about war and likes the hero mantle bestowed upon him by the miltaristic society he lives in.
But before McWane can be commander in chief he has to go to war against the poor. He has to portray them as the problem we have in this nation. So, he gets his buddy, who he says he's not, to send in the feds despite all reports to the contrary about voter fraud being widespread in ACORN. He ignores the facts ACORN themselves reported the fraudulent registrations by lazy workers just wanting to get paid for the number they registered. He ignores the lack of prosecution of any ACORN staff for voter fraud and the fact it was not so long ago,he, John McCain, was a supporter of the ACORN movement.
But of course, like the chameleons of DC, all politicians reserve the right to change their moral colors to suit themselves. John McCain has proved he's one of the best at the moral ambiguity of sleazy politicians. He makes Obama look like the best and brightest star to lead this nation.
So, the question will be if the American public will allow these sleazy, criminal and immoral bastards to steal one more election. If November 5th comes around and McCain/Palin are the winners despite all polls and all exit polls saying something different will it cause the needed revolution? I doubt it.
I'm including a statement by ACORN on the smear campaign started by McSleazy and his pet bulldog PaleOne.:

ACORN Responds to Senator McCain’s Desperate Attack
October 15, 2008

On Wednesday, Oct. 15, ACORN National President Maude Hurd issued the following statement in response to Senator John McCain’s attack:

"We appreciate Senator McCain's effort to stir up the Republican base by attacking a community organization working to increase public participation in our democratic process. However, these attacks reflect an increasingly panicked candidate. Unfortunately, the Senator McCain we saw tonight is very different than the Senator McCain who stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN at a February 20, 2006 immigration reform event.

It is clear for us to see that John McCain was for ACORN before he was against ACORN; he was for reform before he was against reform; and he was a maverick before he became erratic. What is really going on here is that Senator McCain and his allies are part of a coordinated effort to engage in what appears to be an unprecedented effort to suppress voter turnout. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true, and the McCain campaign has resorted to the worst type of deceptions in regards to ACORN."

The Facts:

ACORN has helped 1.3 million citizens from all parties and all walks of life apply for voter registration.
In most states, ACORN is required by law to turn in every voter registration card - even in cases where the cards are not valid.
It is ACORN that has reported almost all of the issues regarding voter registration cards to elections officials, and flagged the suspicious cards.
Invalid voter registration cards do NOT constitute voter fraud. Even RNC General Counsel Sean Cairncross has recently acknowledged he is not aware of a single improper vote cast as a result of bad cards submitted in the course of an organized voter registration effort.
ACORN hired 13,000 field workers to register people to vote. In any endeavor of this size, some people will engage in inappropriate conduct. ACORN has a zero tolerance policy and terminated any field workers caught engaging in questionable activity. At the end of the day, as ACORN is paying these people to register voters, it is ACORN that is defrauded.

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