Thursday, October 16

Hey Joe, Where You Going With That Wrench In Your Hand??

Hey Joe, where you going with that pipe wrench in your hand?? Turns out our newest American hero is not Joe, The Plumber but is an unlicensed, Joe, the apprentice. John McCain's new best friend is also a tax scofflaw which may explain his ambush of Obama on paying taxes. Joe, say it ain't don't want to pay taxes like the rest of us working stiffs????
Also, Joe, there's no way you're making 1/4 million dollars without a plumbing license. An average plumber makes about $30-40 an hour if they're lucky and can get work year round. With the construction industry in the dumps, thanks to McBush and friends..yeah you, too, Obama...there's a lot of unemployed plumbers, carpenters, pipefitters and electricians.
And, Joe....if you think sharing the wealth is about socialism, what was bailing out Wall Street and the bankers??? It was the biggest socialistic action of this new century. Unfortunately the socialism only makes it to the folks in that ten percentile that makes over 250,000 a year. It sure doesn't help the mentally ill, the single moms, the developmentally challenged, the blind, the elderly without resources, the uninsured family and all the other Americans most in need at this time.
No doubt, Joe feels the welfare cheats are causing a big drain putting out babies and not working but Joe is looking the wrong way for the welfare cheats. It has always been the rich corporations getting the most taxpayer dollars in corporate welfare. They either get it through bailouts ala Wall Street, Chrysler and others or they get it through tax loopholes allowing them to NOT pay taxes at all. So, Joe, look at the truth; it ain't the blacks and illegals causing you problems it's all those rich white folks who keep you thinking they're your friends.
Buy your plumbing company, Joe. See who really screws you over. The big companies will under bid you and drive you out of their market. This is a Wal-Mart world, Joe, and you're thinking we live in some damn democracy. Wake the hell up, dude!!

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