I strongly encourage all to go to the blog http://dncrnc.wordpress.com/ for videos of the criminal actions of the Denver Police Department during the Democratic National Convention. The videos aren't just those of the peace movement. There are many from sources of mainstream press as well as independent media that isn't local.
After watching the videos it is obviously clear the only violence being initiated is by the police. Time after time there is video evidence of activists being peaceful, calling out for non-violence and actually holding their hands in the air to show there were no rocks or projectiles being thrown.
The "arrest" of Carlo Garcia, a young activist confronting gay bashing homophobes from the neocon religious right, was a mugging by goons in blue just as the attack on Alicia Forrest, Code Pink member who came to the defense of Carlo, was a mugging. In video of the Monday (Aug 25th) assault near Civic Center Park by police there are five cops brutally attacking a young, thinly built protester with clubs.
The cops even assaulted two teens doing chalk drawing on the sidewalk at the Westin Hotel where Obama was staying. The two young women were part of the pro-life demonstrators swarming every event at the DNC. Their offense apparently seemed to be chalk drawing because they certainly posed no danger to anyone in the area.
An ironic case of police brutality occurred when an ABC television producer was standing on a public sidewalk doing some video. A burly and hostile cop forced the producer off the sidewalk into the street that was still open to traffic. The producer asked why the cop was doing "this" but never received an explanation. When the producer returned to the sidewalk and began taping again, several cops ran up to him. One cop put a choke hold on the producer and then the plastic ties were put on his wrists as one cop is heard to say, "you're under arrest, partner". Again there was no explanation given. As difficult as it may be to resist a big snicker, it was still one more act of brutality.
And while talking about the press, the videos at the site mentioned show riot police forcing the press at least one block away from the site of a group of demonstrators who were about to be gassed, shot with pepper balls, beaten and maced. Only Cop Watch cameras and hidden camera picked up the riot police, missing name or badge identification, attacking young protesters with their arms in the air and chanting "no violence".
Later these protesters were accused of throwing rocks and feces at the police. This accusation was promoted by Councilman Doug Linkhart (D) of the Denver City Council. Turns out the suspected feces was a cup of latte with soy milk. Even the notoriously conservative Rocky Mountain News had reporters who were present until driven away saying they never saw rocks of any other projectiles thrown. All videos confirm the lies of the police about this accusation of rocks being thrown.
The sad aftermath is most likely not one damn cop will pay for their assaults with the exception possibly of the idiot who attacked Ms. Forrest.
After watching the videos referred to, I also suggest going to the links supplied by Richard Myers at the local Indymedia.
I was out every day during the DNC and the oppressive force used was so blatant while the citizens of this city went about business without much complaint toward the police. They blamed the demonstrators for daring to actually exercise their freedom of speech, it seems.
The constant fear mongering of the Democrats and Republicans about alleged "terrorists" masks the real terrorists. The American people fear terrorism coming from outside the borders of this nation but constantly fail to see the terrorism of the police and government agencies constantly trying to squash any dissent.
While the gulag forces of Denver have receded and the citizens are concentrating on the gluttony of the "Taste of Colorado", the activists in Minneapolis-St. Paul are seeing the increased tyranny of Gulag Minnesota. Convergence centers are being raided, activists in cars rousted and intimidation tactics are being stepped up much like witnessed here in Denver.
Denver and the State of Colorado government stooges are congratulating themselves for a gala event culminating in the Invesco Field coronation. They actually want us to believe the DNC was a success because police acted professionally and kept us all "safe". What they really celebrate is the truth wasn't allowed to get out about the criminal actions of both police and the government in suppressing the rights of the people.
There are those who took part in the IVAW action who have congratulated the police for their professionalism. Unfortunately, some of the veterans who led that march are those who have said such things. I strongly disagree with such statements. I don't care if the leaders of the IVAW march were in the forefront of the march and had verbal communication with the police. The veterans were given preferential treatment by cops and politicians, to put it kindly.
The IVAW leadership can't have it both ways when it comes to being activists. They can't call the war immoral and illegal while dismissing or overlooking the brutality of the police here in this nation toward brothers and sisters who aren't veterans. They can't focus on just their events and forget the beatings of non-veteran activists. They can't walk away from their action with a campaign promise that is worthless and expect the brothers and sisters who have been gassed, beaten and jailed to cheer it as a victory.
I've been an advocate of veterans' healthcare treatment being adequate. I've praised and encouraged returning veterans having the courage to resist and speak out. I can't, however, accept them giving the Denver Police Department kudos for the Wednesday standoff. Veterans need to think about the way the Iraqi people looked at them with distrust and hate because of the brutality they were ordered to carry out and correlate it with the distrust and hate elicited by brutal cops in American cities towards activists who try to effect changes. Veterans can't praise an oppressive force that is racist to the core and expect to get a pass from other activists.
IVAW has been treated with kids' gloves by many but I'm not about to rubber stamp their congratulatory message to the Denver cops. I suggest IVAW members sit down and watch the video links posted and reconsider how professional the Denver Police really are.
I have made previous statements in praise of IVAW but when they don't support other activists who are brutalized by the police they have failed their brothers and sisters outside the veteran community. And just to make it clear, I'm a combat veteran, but I can't tolerate seeing activists who have different backgrounds being brutalized any more than I can tolerate a veteran being denied benefits or treatment.
It will take all of us together to stop the brutality, end the war and bring justice to the people most in need of it. Veterans can't expect to get a pass, get special treatment or ignore the plight of other activists who fight for their return. It doesn't work that way. If they expect support they need to return it with their support of other activists. Hopefully, that conversation might come up in the joint IVAW/VFP convention in Minneapolis this coming week.
Wm. Terry Leichner
Denver VVAW member
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