Monday, August 4


Glad to see someone who addresses the UFPJ sell out to the Dems. For much too long the "united 'front'" has been pushing the Democratic Party's agenda while passing itself off as a radical, liberal or progressive group. And for far too long they have been a road block to true radical activists actually changing tactics and growing in numbers that would be effective enough to make the government tremble.

What is a radical? Well, MLK was one of the most hated men in America because he sought to change Jim Crow and racist policies endorsed and practiced by the American government. These policies allowed lynching and violence against the black population. The policies included poll taxes and denial of voting rights based on reading skills. "Colored" water fountains, "colored" sections on a bus and segregated bathrooms were the norm in many parts of the deep American South.

States' "rights" groups wearing hoods of the KKK were frequently seen throughout the 50's and 60's. And our "leaders" in D.C. constantly looked the other way as the rights of the black and marginalized were violated. It wasn't really states' rights being practiced, of course. It was racism, bigotry, murder, rape and a long list of felonies being practiced under the guise of each American state having the right to determine local laws that were known as Jim Crow laws.

Journalist I.F. Stone is quoted as saying "Governments lie" in one of Howard Zinn's books I recently read. Two simple words capture all the history in this nation. UFPJ continues to exhort us to take part in that history by adopting the Democratic Party's platform. They whine this is the best we can do. They bluster about impeachment and calling corrupted Senators and Representatives on "important" votes. In the final summary we have to ask how UFPJ became such a power in the activist community. Where do they get their funding since most of us activists are notoriously impoverished and don't buy into the capitalist American dream?

The choice of the lesser of two evils IS still choosing evil as Jerry Garcia is quoted as saying. Attempting to change a government that is intent on protecting only the rights of big business, the rich, powerful and elite by supporting candidates of the Democratic or Republican parties is being complicit with the oppressors. Throwing up our hands and saying "that's the only choice we have" is capitulating to tyranny.

Let us keep in mind the difference between "the people" and "the government". The government lies and has always lied to get young men and women to be their cannon fodder for foreign invasions they claim to be patriotic and protective of "democracy". The true history of these invasions shows the lies of government. The true reasons we invaded were always about greed and power. Oil, natural resources and world domination have always been the true reasons our young people are asked to kill and be killed.
It's laughable to hear the patriotic drivel of the fatted cows of Congress tell the people of this nation we're supporting democracy with our invasions and occupations. We need only look at the American government's history of supporting repressive and totalitarian governments and the tyrants of those governments to know we, the people, have a government of liars.

Do Exxon/Mobile’s record profits demonstrate the government of the people is only about a few select people who are CEO's and corporate robber barons? Does the disintegration of social programs to assist the poor, the homeless, and the elderly and marginalized people of this nation demonstrate the true intentions of the government toward the people? The privatization of every aspect of government by the government with a corresponding loss of income and jobs should clearly tell the people the government isn't about them. Not when corporate giants like Wal-Mart, Halliburton, Exxon/Mobile and Enron continue to fleece the people's tax dollars and gouge them for the products the consumer driven people think are necessary.

Does the economic collapse of this nation’s middle class and poor surprise us? It shouldn’t. It’s very difficult to oppose a government when keeping shelter and food in place is the first priority. As the economy worsens and people become desperate the dependence on government becomes greater. Opportunity for restricting rights of the people become necessary to keep social order and the constant use of fear tactics keep the people docile.

Do we really believe UFPJ is the radical group that will lead us to peace and justice? How could we possibly believe a group so clearly part of the Democratic Party’s campaign to once again elect the lesser of two evils could lead the people out of the tyranny of the two party system? Governments lie and if we become part of helping the establishment of corporate oligarchy maintain power we are complicit in those lies.

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