Friday, December 2

Tragedy at Denver Rally: F and Bird Bombs Cut Down Crowd but Bush Escapes

Tragedy struck at a rally opposing the Iraq War during a visit by George Bush in Denver, CO, November 29, 05. I've just received graphic footage of horrific acts of violence perpetrated by a secretive terrorist group infiltrating a local Denver peace and justice organization.
The violence began when a radical Vietnam veteran managed to hijack a Mega-phone from the rally organizers. Instead of using the chants authorized by the organizers the insurgent veteran started chanting versions of chants well known from the days of rage during the Vietnam War.
The outlaw veteran was almost captured by leaders of the rally with the weapon of mass deafness in his possession but he managed to elude them and to secretively pass the Mega-phone on to another rebel vet. The other vet was identified as a female Iraq veteran dressed in camoflage to conceal herself in the crowd.
Rally participants only remember the radical Iraq vet as a young woman with red hair. She was said to be surrounded by other radicals also in camoflage.
These guerilla turn-coats were later joined by another suspicious woman dressed in a long green overcoat. Witnesses report they overheard the insurgents calling this woman "Dr. W".
Military intelligence along with the regional Joint Terrorist Task Force in Denver suspect the woman may have actually been the Al Queda leader Al-Zarkawi in disguise.
The insurgent leader immediately took control of the MEGA-phone to use against the crowd and President Bush supporters. The crowd was visciously assaulted with several precise and deadly rounds of F-bombs. Under the withering assault many in the crowd succumbed to a hypnotic suggestion and began participating in the F-bombing.
One woman who refused to identify herself told CNN, "It was awful....they all started with the F-bombing...I can still hear the horrible sounds...'one -two - three - four, we don't want your Fucking war!!!' I had to put my hands over my ears to keep my ear drums intact. Thank God I wasn't close to where the F-bombs were going off."
Thankfully Denver police were able to hurry the President into the Brown Palace Hotel before he could come under attack. The insurgents did hold two buses hostage for four or five extremely long minutes.
Apparently the insurgency thought the buses were full of Republican dignitaries and fired a withering round of F-bombs and Bird Bombs toward them. It was discovered later the buses were full of the working press assigned to report on the President.
It's not known how many casualties the press corps suffered. Apparently the assault was so heavy none of the reporters were able to give an estimate of the casualty numbers. Trauma counselors were rushed to the scene.
In a bold and daring counter-attack Denver Police Chief Gary Wittless repelled the rebels almost single-handedly. Wittless says he was overrun initially but was able to use his wily skills of combat to turn things around.
"I just did what was necessary to protect and serve."he told the Rocky Mountain Clueless. Wittless was awarded the Medal of Honor by Denver Mayor John Dickinstuper for his heroic actions.
Even after Witless turned back the majority of the rebels, small cells remained in the crowd. As the President departed several F-Bombs and Bird-Bombs were fired in rapid succession at his caravan.
Apparently one Secret Service agent was horribly disfigured with a head wound that caused him to have a complete loss of hair and a deformed skull. His status is unknown at this time. He was last seen in a Denver police car vandalized with the rebel group's identifying bumper sticker.
Authorities are asking any witnesses to this carnage to contact them at the Denver Homeland Security office. The CIA, FBI, JTTF, DPD, NFL, NHL, NBA and Israeli Mossad are working to identify and capture the suspects.
The suspected Al-Zarakawi was last seen fleeing the scene in the company of the ruthless Vietnam vet.
Authorities have found video footage of the events taped by a CNN crew at the time of the initial attack. The footage is graphic and horribly violent but fails to show the actions of the leaders of the insurgency.
The peace organization reports they've received an email from the Vietnam veteran taking credit for initiating the attack with the MEGA-phone hijacking. He's described by witnesses as being "very tall". There's some speculation he might be Osama Been Liedto, the vanished leader of terrorism in the world.
WARNING!! Graphic scenes - parental guidance necessary
CNN Has now taken away this link - probably too embarassed to allow their anchor woman and reporter to look so foolish.
This report filed by Wm. Terry Leichner
All events and all persons in the report authenticated as pure bullshit by the BS, NBC, ABC, DEF, CBS, TUV press organizations.

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