As a psychiatric RN, I'm well aware of the "treatment" offered the soldiers in harm's way. As a combat vet, I well remember that "treatment".
The VVAW chapter in Denver along with Veterans For Peace in Boulder have worked to provide an alternative to the failed care of the military and the over-burdened system of the VA.
Military psychiatry has always been and will always be prostituted by the demands of the generals and the war-makers. It's amazing a pscyhiatrist or mental health professional could collude with the military in failing to help combat veterans start the healing process from the traumas of war.
The treatment given is akin to putting a bandaid on an amputated leg or arm. Only in the case of severe PTSD it is the mind that's suffered the trauma that may never heal.
Thanks to Dr. Soldz for his insightful and caring analysis of the military's "treatment" which basically is to reinjure the minds of our men and women. Click on the headline to see his article.
Terry Leichner, RN
VVAW - Denver, CO
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