Tuesday, January 27

Why Care

Ah, my blog!
Been a long time since I've entered anything. Seems social media has taken the place I once had for blogging. Does anyone still blog?
The world has changed very little since last time. The politicians remain the bought off whores of the Koch brother types. The rich get richer while the middle class is rapidly becoming a myth. The poor are chastised and cast out for being a drag on the "system". The heartless, vacuous "system" where success is measured by the accumulation of wealth and material things. Starving families, homeless humans, never-ending war, slaughters around the world, school shootings and police brutality all flourish in this "system". We seem to have a "systemic plague".  A plague of disparity of wealth. A plague of the rich being able to ignore the incredible wasteland they leave in their paths to accumulating more and more.
Polarization of ideas and ideologies keep the people from acting against the true villains. Main stream media is the tool of the rich and powerful to subdue the masses. We have become narcotized and desensitized to the reality of life's horrors. Created by those we allow power.
But, no one seems to care. Why should I? Why should you?

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