I hesitate using derogatory terms that are widely known as racist but dammit, Barack Obama is about as much an Uncle Tom as I've ever come across in my life. Just look at his record of kow-towing to the white dominated financial sector of this nation.Look at his proposed cuts in Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. This is a President that has done just about everything the Klanish likes of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner could ask for. He's responsible for more violations of human rights than his hawkish predecessor, Dubya Bush. He's lied time and again on the campaign trail only to do exactly the opposite once elected. He first ran on the concept of "hope" and ended up making those who fervently supported him look like "dopes".
In my days of rage and activism I aligned myself with black brothers and sisters including members of the Panthers. I came to understand how harmful the term "uncle Tom" could be but also understood why some came to be called a "Tom". When you're doing the bidding of the white power structure at the cost of communities of color and the poor and disabled in this society as a person of color, you are a "Tom". The term originates from the servile character in the rewrite of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book UNCLE TOM. In the book Tom was a hero saving other slaves from the oppression of slavery but once Hollywood got hold of the book it turned Tom into the servile character doing the bidding of his "master". A typical white revision of a black hero into the acceptable white version of a black man.
It's difficult to call Obama a Tom because the man has been the target of such racist hate. There have been ten times the number of threats against his life than any other President. No other President has faced the number of Senate filibusters as Obama's administration has. No other President has had judicial and other appointments refused as often as Obama has. From the beginning the hate mongers and racists such as McConnell and Boenhner, Lindsay Graham, Michelle Bachman and so many others have publicly stated they intended on blocking anything Obama proposed that would make him look good and enhance his re-election. The only things that seems to be missing are the white hoods and burning crosses. The new Jim Crow is real and Obama has become the symbol of the reason why the racist white oppressors have come out of the wood work.
So what's Obama's response to the racists? He meekly offers compromises that throws the baby and all other weak members of the American society under the bus to appease them. He's become a well educated tool of the white masters. He's become the epitome of an Uncle Tom.
I have worked with the poor for over 25 years. They struggle to buy food, stay in livable housing and get the health care they need. Their entitlement is poverty under Medicaid or Medicare. These are not the people who are ripping the system off. We need only look to Wall Street and the banksters that caused the financial crash of 2008 to find the true entitlements. Too big to fail and free of prosecution these criminal with the complicit Congress and Presidency continue to practice the same toxic practices that led to the 2008 crash. They just moved from housing to other areas.
If we want to find the welfare queens/kings we need only look to the criminals in the medical field who work the Medicaid and Medicare systems to fraudulently take millions in fees for care not given. We need only look at the monstrous end of life industry that puts the elderly through tortuous procedures having no chance to enhance the quality of their lives but certainly enhance the banking accounts of the frauds who claim to be care-givers.
Who's to blame? We must look at the Congress and President in collusion with the Supreme Court allowing the corporate world free rein while continuing to oppress the poor and middle class. The Congress remains an exclusive white male club that only allows token representation of women (making up 51% of the population) and people of color. Looking at the hateful words and the faces of the weekly news shows on Sundays, we constantly see the ugliness of our Congress. Far too often we hear code words of racism. Far too often we hear lies and misrepresentations of why this nation is so much in debt. Far too often we don't hear anything about the spending on wars and the military. And far too often we see racist white men who could easily be mistaken for Grand Wizards of the KKK.
So it baffles me why the good 'ol boys hate OToma. He has given them 90% or better of what they and the corporate bosses want. It simply comes down to the color of his skin in the Presidency. It doesn't sit well with the racist base of the Congress and the corporate boards. Look at the CEOs of the largest corporations and there are very few people of color. Very few women.
The sad conclusion is Barack is an "uncle Tom" that has overlooked the racists and sold out people of color, the impoverished, liberals, progressives and activists hoping to bring true change. He's overlooked the Klanish types who somehow got leadership in Congress to be a token in a powerless Presidency. His theme of hope has turned into a sad discouraging hopelessness for those in need. He has betrayed those who are most in need of hopeful progress.
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