I continue to be amazed at how much attention the so-called progressives and liberals give to the corporate elections coming up in November.
C'mon, it's like a shareholders' meeting at Exxon. Delegates, electoral college, dirty tricks, billions on advertising lies and deceit. The Supreme Court is now the official legislative branch following Citzens United....who were those citizens, by the way? ...But are we really going to put huge energy into this?
The Occupy movement shouldn't become trapped into the electoral vortex (thanks to Stan Goff for that description). Momentum should be sustained as the weather gets warmer. While the cops and politicians focus on the absurd play of conventions and pretend democracy, the real world lags behind with poor housing, poor nutrition, poor health care, poor education, poor paying jobs, billions spent on killing, ever building debts on families, students and individuals as the income gap grows ever wider and on and on.
Do we really think any of these concerns will get serious attention at either convention? More likely the attention will be diverted from the single largest group of welfare cheats....the 1% .....and focused on the poor and disenfranchised who lack advocacy. The economic target is on the safety net of the poorest citizens of the world. They will not be represented on the floor of either summer convention. Only the Occupy movement will represent them if that movement takes the brave step forward to use the political circus to advocate for the 99% that is struggling the most.
Energy and time spent appeasing the quadrennial politcal insanity is energy and time lost that could be used in resistance and pushing the Occupy movement agenda forward.
I realize I'm bombarded daily by the propaganda of the oligarachy. So hard to resist taking a side but there really is only one side. The platform of the plutocrats. Yeah, it would be nice to think the black guy is hip to the world's needs but the dude is too busy placating the masters of war intent on destroying the world.
Obama ain't going to be marching with the Occupy movement. He'll be too busy buying an election and stripping the rights away from the people and remotely killing humans thousands of miles away.
We said we couldn't stand another Bush. The audacity of hope has turned into the realization of despair. More violations of human rights, more sensless killing of senseless wars, more corruption of the banks and Wall Street. The policies of Bush haven't been rolled back. They have been dramatically expanded. Little hope but a great deal of audacity in pushing forth the wishes of the great corporate and "united citizens".
The little hope I see comes from the energy and dedication occupation movements around the world provide. Can't just be white. Can't just be progressives. We need diversity. This will not be a polite march down a city mall. The troublemakers are those who protect the system at all costs. Even those who profess to be progressive but can't quite turn the corner to the necessary radicalism. How well are the polite progressives and liberals treated by cops with pepper spray?
Don't care who gets nominated. The only winners will be the corporate interests, the masters of war, the bankers .....the 1%.
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