Watching Hillary Clinton and Leon Panetta express their outrage toward four young Marines stupidly urinating on the bodies of the killed enemies is like pissing on the truth. All the progressives and liberals talk about the Geneva Convention but where the hell were they in Vietnam with Agent Orange and napalm and white phosphorus? Where have they been with DU, napalm (repackaged and renamed) and w...hite phosphorus in Iraq and Afghanistan? And with the bombing and shelling of civilian neighborhoods in Fallujah and other centers of population during both wars? Maybe they should actually read the articles of the Geneva Convention. I offer no excuses for stupid acts of grunts called upon by the rich masters of war to fight their insane wars. I saw stupid acts of extracting gold teeth from dead bodies, pushing hog-tied prisoners from the top of tanks and AmTracs, in the field water boarding and the hitting of a prisoner hog-tied with an E-Tool flush in the face during my 13 months in Vietnam. As an 18 year old I knew it was fucking wrong but I also knew survival dictated I shut my mouth. Or, in other words, I didn't have the courage of those who exposed My Lai. Few do. The military culture want us to believe in country, honor and duty but I'll be doing a presentation with the discussion of a young woman raped by a fellow soldier. She reported to her company's top NCO. He had her give him twenty pushups because she didn't properly use the chain of command to report the rape. Where were Hillary and Leon for her??? And at the anniversary of Gitmo's illegal and immoral prison talking about the rules of war, the dignity of war is the ultimate pissing on the bodies of the dead.
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