On election night there were tears in my eyes when it was announced Barack Obama had been elected as the first black President of the United States. I’m 60 and the memories of Jim Crow, dogs and water hoses are still there for me, even though I’m a white male.
Today I watch as Obama is about to be sworn in on the grounds of the Capitol which was built by slaves considered non-human and not worthy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I look at the podium and still see the predominance of white faces, hear the jets of militarism fly overhead and see former Presidents who have led this nation on the path of imperialism over the past three decades.
I’d like to say I finally have great hopes of the “change” promised us by Obama and all the others during an excruciating campaign for the Presidency. I don’t. I look at the announced cabinet members of the “new” President and see the "same old" faces of our past three or four decades responsible for a culture of death Americans have endorsed for too long. The friends of Zionism have prevailed in these choices. The friends of aggression and imperialism have prevailed. The friends of injustice have prevailed. There are few friends of the impoverished, the downtrodden and all those mentioned on the Statute of Liberty.
The speech is about to be given and it will no doubt be stirring and inspirational. There is no doubt Obama is the most gifted orator since John Kennedy. His deliverance of words is compared to Martin Luther King. These are fair comparisons but words spoken aren’t necessarily actions taken.
John Kennedy was the President that inspired me to join the Marine Corps, asking not what my country could do for me but asking what I could do for my country. The truth is Kennedy was an imperialistic leader that took a militaristic path rather than a one of justice and fairness. I was a young fool when I joined the Marine Corps to fight an imperialistic war in Southeast Asia. The inspiration I took from Kennedy was based on deceit and aggression. I failed to seek the truth. Instead I accepted the propaganda of a government intent on world dominance.
Yesterday I marched with thousands from the City Park of Denver to the Civic Center in honor of Martin Luther King. The 3.1 mile march was one with hopeful and proud faces. Young and old seemed to have even greater enthusiasm than the previous marches I’ve taken part in. The election and inauguration of Barack Obama was clearly on their minds and expressed in shirts bearing Obama’s likeness, buttons with his name and chants of, "Obama".
"Black Pride" is rightfully and finally acknowledged by a nation with a long and inglorious history of racism. As Obama is about to be sworn in as the next President at this very moment, our hopes for him are overwhelmingly high and unrealistic. No one man can possibly live up to such expectations of hope.
Even sadder, now that his speech is completed, I heard the same saber rattling of previous Presidents. I heard the intention to continue the same path of materialism and militarism. I heard more attention paid the economy of the country than the moral soul of the nation. Have we become such a shallow nation we fail to recognize the humanity that suffers throughout the world is our primary problem? Sadly, the answer remains the same as it has always been. We’ve always been a nation that only reacts when poverty is facing us not when it remains the permanent condition of far too many humans on this planet.
I don’t deny the symbolism of the first non-white President in the American republic’s history. It is, indeed, a step forward in the history of a nation that has pretended to cherish equality and justice. Anyone my age knows it is just a pretense. Any who listened and observed carefully during the campaign know the seeds of hatred are still very much alive in this nation toward any candidate who is non-white or female with the ambition to lead our country.
I don’t hate my country but I’ve come to understand there’s a difference between the government of this nation and the people. Most Americans are like most people in the world. They want peace, security and to provide for their families. They want justice. They want the equality stated in the Bill of Rights and throughout the Constitution. This is a generous nation of people but a people that has failed to understand the misery of those outside the American lifestyle, however.
Recently Abu Jamal Mumia made a statement about the possible election of a black man to the American Presidency. He reminded us that the masters of the plantation are still in control despite the pigmentation of the man elected. He reminded us the state of our nation remains in crisis caused by the leaders of the government and one man in the figure head role of President will not be able to do the necessary work to bring the needed changes.
We’ve seen in the recent assault of Gaza by Zionist forces of the Israeli government a reminder to the world that the government of the US remains firmly entrenched in supporting the oppression of the Palestinian people. Our government continues to endorse concentration camps full of Palestinians because we continue to be cowed by AIPAC and other Zionist groups.
We will soon see the build up of forces in Afghanistan that will drain even more blood and vast potential of our young from our nation. Afghanistan will be the quagmire for Obama that Iraq was for George W. Bush. The continued military occupation of nations in the Middle East will continue to be the greatest recruitment tool for those fanatical groups bent on continued terrorism toward the American people. The failure of the American people to understand “why they hate us”, keeps the hatred fueled without any possible end in our future.
We continue to allow a child to die every 15-30 seconds as a result of poverty while we consume more than any nation on the planet. We continue to spend vast amounts of money for destruction instead of construction. We continue to ignore our complicity in allowing tyrants to oppress by our financial and military support. We allow a school at Ft. Benning, GA to train the forces of tyrants in the Americas and many other oppressed nations of our world. We continue to ignore the threat of nuclear destruction despite the ever growing risk of it happening. We fail to acknowledge the physically and mentally challenged here in our nation. We fail to acknowledge the impoverished, the hungry and homeless here in our own country. Ten billion dollars a month has gone to a war every month since 2003 while the programs for the weakest and most at risk citizens have been cut to the bare bone and face even greater cuts.
I want to hope President Obama will bring the changes he promised but his decisions so far make me pessimistic there will be any substantial changes at all. I had a discussion yesterday about the need of the activist community to remain focused and assertive in demanding the needed changes. It seems ever since the election of Obama there’s been a blindness about the choices he’s made. We seem to accept the historical event of his presidency without questioning the morality of his intentions.
Obama's speech today is a dark cloud of misguided priorities aimed at our financial well being while dismissing the tough moral choices that are needed. I heard the words of a man who has brought great hope to a nation but seems intent on carrying out the same policies of the well heeled and self proclaimed aristocrats that have caused this nation great harm.
I look at the faces of hope in the huge crowds of people that came to see the history of Obama sworn into office and fear they will be terribly disappointed when their lives fail to improve. The disappointment of the idealistic young and old will further weaken a nation of people who have allowed their government to be taken from them. The American republic could well be in the final stages of existence if the people fail to recognize and reject the deception of the special interests of an oligarchic government.
Sadly, President Obama failed to inspire me and gives me little hope. With George W. Bush I had lowered expectations but should the hope Obama gives so many prove a failure it will be much crueler than Bush and Cheney being in power. I pray and hope I’m wrong.
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