(top - right to left: Sojurner Truth, Mother Jones)
(bottom - right to left: Mary Church Terrell, Alice Paul)
The neocons and evangelical fanatics have long called the feminist movement "femi-Nazis" with the implication feminists want to "impose" their values on all of us. This especially includes the supposed superior gender, males.
For these fanatics and tyrants, Hillary Clinton is the epitome of the feminist they call a Nazi. First, she came onto the scene and worked hard to bring healthcare reform that would include all people and might even include a single payer system much like the more efficient and comprehensive plans in Europe and Japan. Hillary wore the pants in the family as much as Bill did at times. She represented a woman who thought women should have a choice in birth control and a choice of bearing a child or ending a pregnancy for whatever personal reasons a woman chose. Hillary represented women coming out of the kitchen and going into the workplace to have equal pay for equal work. She represented women having the same opportunities of education, employment and equal rights as men. She represented an end to sexism, misogynistic hate toward women and the sexual exploitation of women.
Now, I'm not a big fan of Hillary because I think she sold out to AIPAC and corporate interests in her ambition to become President. Of course, every other candidate has sold out to corporate interest and special interest since the beginning of this nation. I'm not a big fan of any current candidate.
But, the symbolic candidacy of Hillary Clinton was important for women in this nation and around the world. For one thing, it showed the U.S. has possibly matured to the emotional age of pre-adolescence as a people.
Hillary is not Sojurner Truth, Mother Jones, Alice Paul, Lucy Stone, Margaret Sanger, Rosa Parks, Mary Church Terrell, Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Betty Friedan, Susan Brownmiller, Barbara Jordan or Shirley Chisholm by any means but she became the first woman to have a legitimate chance to be nominated for the Presidency and she was a symbol of the bravery and the struggle of all these women, whether she deserves it or not. Hillary represented a stop gap to the counter movement to take away much of what was gained with so much struggle and pain.
Radical Christian dominionism seeks to overturn a woman's choice gained in Roe vs. Wade, it seeks to take women out of the workforce to stay at home with children and it seeks to continue the misogyny of female subjugation to men thought to be declared in the Bible.
Chris Hedges writes about the "cult of masculinity" (American Fascists: The Christian Right and the War On America) in the radical evangelical movement. That cult is widespread and promotes the idea it is the work of Satan for women to question the authority of the male hierarchy of the Christian evangelical churches. "The good woman, they tell you, is the obedient woman." a former member of an evangelical church told Hedges. She told him she was encouraged to run for Miss Michigan to use the position as a pulpit to spread "the word" like a modern Esther of the Bible.
Hypermasculinity creates fear and intimidation as a way of life for women in the Christian right. Those who fail to adhere are considered "contaminants" and servants of Satan. The Christian right uses the obedience to the male authority to control the family under the guise of family values, then they control the church and finally they seek to control the nation. With them, you're either part of the church or you're an agent of Satan.
Children and born again members of huge congregations know only the culture of the Evangelical movement. Their lives are spent in church activities that consume most of their time. They are taught to fear nonconformity and to turn their lives over to the male authority of their churches who "speak" for God.
James Dobson of Colorado's Focus On the Family, Erik Prince, leader of Blackwater, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Walden O'Dell, CEO of Diebold, Bill McCartney, CU football coach and founder of Promise Keepers, Supreme Court Justice A. Scalia, many military leaders from General and below, K. Rove, G.W. Bush, D. Cheney and tens of millions claim membership in the evangelical movement that considers men as the leaders who speak for God and do His "will".
While it is doubtful Bush, Cheney and Rove are true believers instead of opportunists, the Christian Right must not be underestimated. Their numbers are growing in local and national governments. They are well organized and intend to make America a "Christian" nation. They are on a "crusade" against their perceived enemies which include feminists, homosexuals, secular humanists, Muslims (who they claim are the anti-Christ religion), Jews and Catholics. They align with Israel to fight Islamic terrorists. They align with Catholics to fight the intrinisic evil of abortionists and homosexuals. But, their hateful rhetoric shows the Christian right is anti-Semites and consider Catholicism as a cult.
They fail to fight the intrinsic evil of war, racism and hate mongering toward gays. They fail to acknowledge the Zionist terrorism against the indigenous people of Palestine. To do such a thing would be a Satanic act for this group of radical Christians.
Timothy LaFaye and Jerry Jenkins, authors of the End Times series of apocalyptic end of the world novels, are examples of the Christian right's culture of death. The radical Christian right has its members indoctrinated to only hearing and reading the propaganda they produce from their powerful media machines. They believe the "rapture" will come and take them, and them alone, to the side of Christ and God. They believe Christ will strike likea a great warrior to kill all non-believers.
Words like liberty, rights, love, truth, wisdom, death and life have been perverted to mean different things than what most of us think. Liberty means the freedom found in finding Christ but not necessarily freedom to think for oneself. Truth means the truth as the conduits of God interpret it. The conduits being the male hierarchy. Wisdom is whatever the male hierarchy say it is. Rights are those given by these leaders. Life comes from death and the rapture. Love has no room for romance. It is love of God as interpreted by the leaders of the church, men.
Creationism instead of evolution has been endorsed and is in practice in more and more public schools in the U.S.. Billions of dollars has been siphoned to "faith based" organizations to teach abstinence sex education only,and to publicly fund other radical Christian programs. Contraception and education about the physical aspects of sex, pregnancy and condoms for protection has been taken out of many public schools. Planned Parenthood clinics no longer receive public funds.
Chris Hedges writes "Debate with the radical Christian Right is useless. We cannot reach this movement. It does not want a dialogue. It is a movement based on emotion and cares nothing for rational thought and discussion….This movement is bent on destruction….These dominionists hate the liberal, enlightened world formed by the Constitution, a world they blame for the debacle of their lives. They have one goal-its destruction." (American Fascists).
The path of destruction is clear. The poor and disenfranchised are considered agents of Satan who lack faith. The programs meant to help them are considered evil attempts to take away from the people of Christ. The radical Christians believe they are entitled to wealth and prosperity because they are true believers. The problem with this belief is the wealth still goes only to a few. It isn't shared with those who apparently lack "enough" belief.
The Christian Right is only a small minority of Americans but they wield a mighty hammer of influence on the government of this nation. The executive and judicial branches of federal government are dominated by them. Close to one third of the legislative branch are members of the Christian Right. The number in the military leadership is significant. Election machines sold to local election boards are often manufactured by this group. A large mercenary army has a presence in Iraq as "contractors". The company, Blackwater, is owned by Erik Prince, a staunch member of the Christian Right.
And now we come to the Stepford wife fascist nominated for the Vice Presidency of the U.S., Sarah Palin. John McCain has once again sold his soul to the forces of evil with his choice of the former beauty contestant, former mayor of an Alaskan town and the current governor of Alaska to be his running mate.
Sarah Palin has become the poster woman of the radical Christian Right. Not only was she vetted by McCain's staff but a group of Christian Right leaders that included Erik Prince, James Dobson and their representatives also vetted Ms. Palin. She is attractive, speaks with emotion and passion the words given her by the campaign staff writers, that seem to include Rush Limbaugh and Karl Rove, and she believes what she's saying.
The nomination of Palin should not be underestimated. She was never meant to be a candidate to bring in Hillary's faithful. She was brought into the campaign to energize the radical Christian Right with all their money and influence. McCain failed to gain endorsement of Dobson and others in the movement until he "chose" Palin. She was forced upon him to gain the power of the radical believers of the Christian neocons.
Sarah Palin is the perfect choice for these radical theocrats. She believes in the "crusades" of Iraq and Afghanistan. She is pro-life with great fervor and her birth of a Down's Syndrome child is proof of her strong anti-abortion stance. She has been quoted as dismissing the theory of global warming. She is said to have the mindset of someone in the 1940's concerning environmental issues according to environmental group spokespersons.
Palin is an avid believer in Amendment 2's right to bear arms. She believes in abstinence education only as sex education. She is angry at the liberals and non-believers and does well at voicing her anger. She is vengeful against perceived enemies. She is currently under investigation for demanding the firing of a police officer or state trooper who divorced or left one of her family. She has cut the budget of the state of Alaska at the same time the federal budget has been radically sliced to further increase the pain index of the poor and marginalized. She has cut the budget for the poor and needy of Alaska approximately 60 percent in her two year reign.
Sarah Palin's pattern of administration she proudly calls executive "responsibility" fits the pattern of a woman under the influence of the radical Christian Right filled with hate, racism, sexism and a belief of might being right in the affairs of the world. She discounts community activism if done by "liberals" but has no problem turning social programs over to religious "charities".
This is a dangerous woman because she believes the dogma of the leaders of the radical Christians. She believes in the culture of death and embraces "the rapture" finally coming to the world.
She believes. She most likely cannot be swayed by rational arguments or reasoning. She and her family have been programmed. Some have accused McCain of being the Manchurian candidate because he cooperated with the North Vietnamese. Actually, the brainwashing was done to his choice of running mates.
God help us if the woman chosen to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency is elected and the oldest President in history should die unexpectedly. The apocalyptic scenes of LaFaye and Jenkins could become a reality.
Wm. Terry Leichner RN
Denver VVAW member
USMC combat veteran '67-'69
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