There's been a few comments about my misspelling of Hillary Clinton's first name. Sorry about that but some Freudian slip has caused me to add an extra letter i to her name.
Somehow when I first noticed my spelling error I wanted to hold onto it because it seems so very appropriately misspelled. I mean Hillary doesn't do for me what Hilliary does. So I think I'll just keep on with the incorrect version of Ms. Clinton's first name with tongue placed firmly in cheek.
For Hillary supporters I can only suggest looking up the record of the Senator to determine if Hilliary isn't a better suited spelling. Oh, I know I'll be accused of misogyny because I've continued to rant about Clinton's chameleon like qualities. And no doubt I'm a racist because I've continued to rant about Obama's disingenuous attempt to be both black and white.
The truth is both candidates of the Democratic Oligarchy have failed to give this nation hope for anything but more of the same. It don't matter if one is female and the other black because both belong to the out of touch political systems that allow the rich to become ultra rich like the new laundry soaps become 2x more powerful. It only takes half as much bullshit from either of these two and/or John "Wane" McCain to max out my bs meter and trigger my gag reflex.
I drive around my neighborhood which is the number one area code for home foreclosures (80219) in the state and rated very high in the nation and I see the effects of what Hilliary and Obama have been part of achieving. My local city councilman, Paul Rodriguez (former SEIU organizer) put it best in a recent interview about my community's number one status. He told the reporter when he looks at the empty houses with the foreclosure signs in front he sees a home where a family once lived.
Hell, I'm one paycheck away from being at the crisis point of missing one payment or the other caused by my foolish phase of materialism. One illness, one accident or one emergency can financially wreck my wife and me. The odds are pretty good one of these things will happen. If I keep things in perspective I still live a better life than 80% of the people in the world. Senators Obama and Clinton, on the other hand, have it better than 99% of the world and I have to ask what they've given to make it better...or as Hilliary might say, a better village.
Disaffected and disillusioned? Damn right! The millions of dollars spent on the ruse of democratic elections in this nation is as immoral and sinful as it gets. Everybody bitches about the sham of sound bites and attack ads during elections but it never changes.
I noticed Ken Gordon recently wrote of the importance of voting or not voting. Does anyone feel empowered when they go to their local precinct to cast a vote or when sendin in the mail ballot? Does anybody think it will be a "new day" in America because of the results of the 2008 election?
I think it will be a new day in America as a result of the 2008 election. When John "Wane" McCain takes over the Presidency this nation will slip even futher down the moral slippery slope. The United States of America will slip even closer to becoming a third world nation. But, then, I've always been a cynic about this nation's leadership since the days of Vietnam. If one of the other two win, the prognosis seems the same to me.
We've been blessed by wealth of resources and personal wealth in this nation. We thought it would never end. When the rest of the world needed our guidance we've betrayed them with wars and the propping up of tyrants. For some ungodly reason this nation is responsible for arming much of the world for war but has failed in helping the world live in peace with justice.
Hilliary and Obama have continued to support the killing in Iraq and Afghanistan as evidenced by their votes or their failures to stand up for what's moral and just. John "Wane" McCain has continued to vote for funding these wars and has no plan to withdraw the troops. He seeks the illusive victory of war. The problem with that mindset is there is no fucking victory in war! There are winners, however. The rich and powerful.
And that, my friends (and hopefully not too many enemies), is why I spell Hillary's name incorrectly. And intend to continue doing so.
Wm. Terry Leichner, RN
VVAW member -Denver
Disaffected combat veteran
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