Trish Wood has written a new book about Iraq veterans called What Was Asked of Us. The book is an oral history of the war by the vets themselves. Included are the stories of three Colorado vets who are also friends of many activist vets here in Colorado...Garret Reppenhagen, Jeff Engleheart and Joe Hatcher. All three are very active in Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW).
I'm very proud to say I know these three incredibly talented veterans. All three are eloquent in their talk, their actions and in the story they have to tell us.
I marched with Garret and Joe in the Vets and Survivors Marchin' to New Orleans march last spring. It was a march from Mobile to New Orleans to bring the connection of the war's costs to the lack of support for Katrina survivors. During the march Joe and Garret were amazing in the telling of their stories.
I was also fortunate to work with Joe and Jeff along with Kelly Daugherty in a presentation here in Denver. All three told their story to a large group with great compassion and conviction. It took a good deal of courage and energy to do this with the emotional ordeal they have had to endure.
Trish has set up a site on myspace.com to promote her book. She has the recorded voices of Garret, Jeff and Joe on this page as well as photos.
The book was also subject of a lengthy article in The Week Magazine Dec 29-Jan 12 edition in the Last Word section (page 48-49). All three of our Colorado friends are quoted extensively from Trish's book.
Please take a moment to visit the site and buy the book if you can.
Thanks to Garret, Jeff and Joe for your continued dedication to bringing your brothers and sisters home and getting them the benefits they deserve.
And thanks to Kelly Daugherty, executive director of IVAW. Kelly has been a driving force to bring education and awareness about Iraq and Afghanistan to the American public. She's an original founder of IVAW and someone I also call a friend. She's from Colorado Springs. She now lives in Philly to carry out her duties with IVAW.
Kelly was also on the Mobile to New Orleans march and has been back to the area with Joe and other IVAW members to help in rebuilding.
Garret now works with Bobby Muller and Steve Robinson in D.C. advocating for veterans through Veterans For America. Bobby formerly headed Vietnam Veterans of America and Steve headed up the National Gulf War Resource Center.
Thanks to all who carry on with the struggle.
Peace and solidarity,
Terry Leichner, RN
USMC combat veteran - Vietnam
VVAW member in Denver
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