My wife,Pam (l) and Dahlia
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi is a very close friend of my family. My wife and I like to refer to her as "our adopted daughter" here in Denver. Dahlia has spent the last three years presenting the face of the Iraqi people to the American people presentation by presentation.
Her truths about the situation in Iraq have not been the most popular ones for Americans but they have been the truth.What captures the heart of her audiences is not only her keen intellect but the sharing of her family through her photos. Seeing her cousin Dina and the rest of the beautiful people of her family makes it clear the Iraqi people are no different in their desire for peace, family and safety than any other people.
Dahlia has been to Iraq twice since the start of the war. She went alone to meet her mostly unknown Iraqi family in 2004 because she felt she couldn't wait to finally meet the family of her father.
She returned alone again last year (2005). I received her call on Christmas Day that she had arrived safely. It was a great present for my wife and me.
Dahlia returned to our home here in Denver in March of 2006. It was a great relief to see her walk through the gate at Denver International. Since then she has addressed a Congressional committee and challenged them to do the right thing by bringing the troops home immediately. She passionately pointed her finger at the committee and told them,"Iraq has had just about all the help from the United States it can handle. Bring the troops home now."
Today I received the following article from one of my veteran friends. I proudly put it on my blog. Thanks to "my daughter" for her continued inspiration and courage. We love you.
The Solution to Iraq
By Sadiq H. Wasfi, Ph.D and Dahlia S. Wasfi, M.D.
12/13/06 "Information Clearing House" -- -- Four years ago, we were told by our government that American national security was in grave danger from Iraq. We were told that Iraqis had weapons of mass destruction and were close to achieving nuclear technology. The Bush administration linked 9/11 and Iraq so many times that at the time of our illegal invasion, 70% of Americans believed Saddam Hussein was responsible for the 2001 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. We were told lies then, and were being told lies now.
The Problem
The main problem in Iraq today is not civil war but the brutal, illegal occupation by American forces. The divisions between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam are more than 1400 years old, and throughout that history, there has never been armed warfare between them until U.S. forces invaded.
It is American forces who are directing and arming the Iraqi police and army, and it is American forces who by law are responsible for maintaining law and order. The Iraqi police are largely composed of militiamen from the private armies of former CIA operatives Ahmed Al-Chalabi (Iraqi National Congress), Iyad Allawi (Iraqi National Accord), and Nuri Al-Maliki (HezbDawah). There are also Iraqi Police Commando Unitsaka death squadswho are being trained by American Special Forces.
Who benefits from our soldiers staying in Iraq?
Is it the Iraqi people? By 2004, a report on Iraq issued by our own Government Accounting Office (GAO) confirmed that the majority of Iraqis had fewer basic services like electricity and water than before our invasion. In 2005, doctors were reporting that under the U.S.-controlled Ministry of Health, their supplies were significantly worse than during the period of economic sanctions! And the latest cluster-sample survey published in the British medical journal Lancet (a scientifically-sound study) estimates the Iraqi civilian death toll at 655,000 after 3.5 years of occupation. The highest estimates for the toll of Saddam Husseins killing sprees were around 300,000, and that was over 30 years. It should come as no surprise that a secret poll done by the UK Ministry of Defense in 2005 found that 82% of Iraqis want U.S. troops out. Another 2006 study showed that 60% of Iraqis support attacks against occupation forcesmuch like the sentiment here towards the Redcoats in the 1700s. No, the occupation does not benefit Iraqis.
Is it American soldiers who benefit from staying? It doesnt help the nearly 3000 who have died in an illegal war based on lies. It doesnt help the over 30,000 mentally and physically disabled for the sake of war profiteers (www.iraqforsale.org). It doesnt help those dying from exposure to depleted uranium, denied their benefits because the Veterans Healthcare Budget came up 1 billion dollars short last year. It doesnt help those who suffer from the nightmares and flashbacks of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and it certainly doesnt help those who found suicide a better option than continuing forward in emotional and sometimes physical agony.
Do the American people benefit? Citizens who have had their hard earned tax money stolen by greedy corporations? Defense contractors like Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman and war profiteers like Halliburton, its subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root, and Bechtel have our tax money to the tune of over $300 billion. But there isnt enough money to buy armor for the soldiers vehicles, and American families are buying their kids Kevlar vests so they might not come home in flag-draped boxes.
We are not safer. Our own CIA has established that the new Iraq under U.S.
direction is a terror breeding ground. Since 2005, American military officers have said that the war for hearts and minds is lost. And now Army and even Marine generals have made official statements that the military war is lost. What Americans have won is the reputation for being an arrogant bully, and a murderous and racist one at that. The seeds of hatred have been sown in our name.
The Solution
The recently released report of the Iraq Study Group echoes the military assessment that the status quo in Iraq is hopeless. But their proposals are non-starters, since our history of occupation in the Arab World from Palestine to Iraq shows our bias for outside interests and our lack of credibility to take part in negotiations. The time for diplomacy was March 2003. After the death and utter destruction that liberation has brought to Iraq, we have no choice but to exit and exit now.
Our obligation to the people of Iraq, to the people of America, and to the rest of the world is the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of troops and mercenaries (including over 100,000 mostly U.S. private contractors) from Iraq. Ideally, a large multi-national force that excludes all neo-colonialist European countries should be created to establish law and ordera job we failed to doand disarm the aforementioned militias within the context of a political consensus. A new Iraqi government will emerge as it has historically following centuries of invasions of Mesopotamia, likely comprised of representatives whose groups are now vying for power. We are responsible for bringing chaos and atrocity to Iraq. It is up to Iraqisand Iraqis aloneto shape their future.
No human being, regardless of race, creed, skin color, ethnicity, or religion, accepts humiliation and subjugation. As such, our military death toll will grow until the day when the rape and pillage of the New American Century ends and the troops come home. How much more agony should we force the children of Iraq and America to take.
Dr. Sadiq H. Wasfi is a professor at Delaware State University. He was born in Iraq, and became a U.S. citizen in the 1980's. Dr. Dahlia S. Wasfi, his daughter, was born and raised in the U.S. and is currently an activist living in Denver, Colorado. For more information, please visit her website at www.liberatethis.com.
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