Saturday, February 18

Fuck Dick Cheney and His Phony Act!

What? Am I supposed to be feeling something about Dick Cheney’s troubled week? Do I care if this old fucking man who has caused countless deaths had a horrible moment when he accidentally shot a hunting buddy with a shotgun?
I’m a very compassionate person but I’ll be damned if I’m going to listen to the press fawn all over this bastard who had more important things to do when Vietnam was available for him to demonstrate his supposed patriotism.
Like all the chicken hawks from George W Bush on down, patriotism is when you can talk tough and send someone else to kill for you.
Fuck these bastards! For days now we’ve had newspapers and television reports about the horror poor old Dick suffered when he recklessly fired his shotgun. All those days, young men and women Cheney is responsible for putting in harm’s way suffered true horror of war.
All those days, innocent kids and civilians died because of the illegal war perpetrated by Cheney and his stooges. Don’t expect me to have pity on a mass murderer because for once in his pampered fucking life he realizes the horror of pulling a trigger and seeing a victim.
That horror happens daily and we hardly hear about it. Fuck Cheney’s crybaby act of this being the worst day of his life. How’s it feel Dick? How’s it finally feel to know that moment of pulling a trigger and finding out that it tears flesh and there’s blood?
Yeah, sure, a peace activist is supposed to be sympathetic to all living creatures. Just say I’m not there yet when it comes to assholes that have no conscience about killing hundreds of thousands but would try to have us believe he feels so awful about almost killing his millionaire friend.
Why do I feel Dick is like the hit and run driver who would leave the body on the street if he could have gotten away with doing so? If only there was someone else he could blame for his actions.
Fuck Dick Cheney’s moment of angst. Tell him to go back down to New Orleans and tell the folks there about his bad day. Tell him to go to Basrah  or Ramadi and tell the mom with dead kids about his bad day. Fuck him!
If you all don’t understand the rage coming from me because this asshole has had five days of press consoling him for his stupid blunder, then you don’t understand the misplaced values of a murderous society that forgets dead babies and dead soldiers while it gives the assistant murderer compassion he’d never give.
I feel nothing but disgust for the handling of this lame bastard’s trauma. I know damn well he sleeps well at night while others wake up in terror. Fuck him!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing - that guy Dick shot was one small step away from a shallow grave.

And let me get this straight: Dick Cheney shoots man in face, prez admits to breaking surveilance laws and so forth and so on, Katrina etc. - no big deal.

Bill Clinton gets blow job. Impeachment procedings.