Saturday, July 19

Sick of Religion

Sick of religion. Sick of the priests, ministers, deacons, rabbis, mullahs and all “leaders” of churches claiming their god is the only god. Claiming their god is the god of peace of love. Sick of the pontificating, self-righteous men who teach our daughters sickening dependency and self-loathing. Sick of the self-appointed, self-aggrandizing moral leaders who push the children of the world into violence and hatred toward all who disagree with their religion’s “morality”.
Sick of Zionists armed by this “Christian” nation’s deadly weaponry maintaining apartheid in Palestine. The alleged “chosen people” claim they will never forget the holocaust, the ghettoes and brutality inflicted on them. But their actions of brutality, killing of children and deliberate and systematic purge of the indigenous population of Gaza and the rest of their apartheid ghettoes clearly show they have forgotten. They claim self-defense when they kill children who throw rocks in defiance of occupation. Children facing automatic weapons and armored vehicles. Zionists forget the Jewish resistance in the ghettoes of Warsaw and other European cities.  They claim the right of an eye for an eye but refuse to look in their moral mirrors to see the foolish tyrants they have become.
Sick of ayatollahs claiming they are the guardians of Islamic belief and morality while they plot to kill innocent children of each other’s followers and the “infidels” they alone define. Sick of their hatred of women. Their fear women may try to become equals of men. Sick of the Sharia law being used to oppress and degrade. Sick of fanaticism leading the young to sacrifice themselves in suicidal killings of others. Sick of children being indoctrinated to hate.
Sick of the holy wars and jihads in the name of the gods and saviors the religious masters claim to be moral. Sick of the hate and evil carried out in the name of the gods. Sick of the false idols being used for deviant acts of brutality, oppression of the weak, racism and discrimination against gays. Sick of evangelicals using Christ’s words to justify their malevolence.  Sick of Catholics crying about discrimination when five men on the Supreme Court carry out the Catholic agenda through overt distortion of justice. While they continue to endorse their Knights of Columbus and overlook the symbolic insult of Columbus to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  
Sick of the cowards who hide behind their “love” of god to carry out their evil acts against other humans. Sick of politicians using their gods to enrich themselves and impoverish the already impoverished. Sick of them closing each deceitful speech with “God bless America”.
Sick of this “Christian nation” constantly falling back on their god and Jesus to justify the perpetual wars and attempts for world domination. The American exceptionalism, manifest destiny and god’s will does not exempt “we the people” from the responsibility of the evil done in our name. Citing “In God We Trust” doesn’t forgive the atrocities done in his name.
Sick of religion. Sick that it has been the driving force behind history’s worst atrocities. It has wreaked more havoc and chaos in the name of gods and idols than the evil of nationalism and capitalism. Sick of religion’s attempt to control rather than enhance the world it claims to love.
If I were a praying man, I would pray all the false prophets and their mindless followers get to meet their “kind and loving” gods and saviors. I would pray they meet their maker and true judgment and justice is meted out to them for all their sins against the world they have lived in. I would pray they get to journey to the hell they so fear and have caused so many to endure on this earth. I would pray for final justice to be given to those who have so bastardized the teachings of the true prophets.
These are the thoughts of a true heretic and infidel who reject the teachings of false messengers of the religions of this world I live in. Someone who has a palpable dislike for the disease called religion.