Monday, September 2

A Sad Irony

It seems appropriate to ask today where the new freedom riders will come from? Where will the voices cry out against the despair of disparity and hate come from? Who will do more than march and rally? Where will those who think the dream possible come from? Where will the opposition to continual wars come from?

 Obama will go to the anniversary gathering and speak with his usual eloquence but his words will pale to those of Dr. King. They will pale because once again we look at using weapons of war to enforce our nation's dominance. They will pale because poverty, incarceration and hate have prevailed as politicians continue to strip human rights from us.
The irony of the first black President speaking is he intends to start another military action at the same time he comes to honor Dr. King.

We Know This - Kerry Sold Out

The people of this nation should reflect on our history before we declare a moral high ground that John Kerry just attempted. His repetitive "we Know" about the occurrences of nerve agents used in Syria may be a good oratory gimmick but Kerry forgets his very own actions in a war killing over a million Vietnamese. A war he used his oratory to condemn at a Congressional hearing in the spring of 1971.

Kerry knows this nation used Agent Orange to defoliate jungles. He knows Agent Orange has affected generations of Vietnamese with birth defects and cancers. He knows countless brothers in arms have been affected by Agent Orange. He knows our government denied, denied, denied those effects making it too late for many of the veterans to survive.

John Kerry knows first hand this nation used napalm not only against enemy combatants but also against civilian populations in the villages that erupted into flames burning bodies of children and their mothers. He knows the American troops referred to the bodies as "crispy critters".

John Kerry knows the American troops carried white phosphorous rounds in grenade launchers and they were used against enemy combatants and any civilian populations that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. He knows "willie peter" rounds were commonly used. He knows the effects of those rounds burning through skin and bone and the difficulty of treating the wounds.

John Kerry knows these weapons were used despite Geneva Convention legalities. He knows first hand as an officer in the American military. He knows first hand from the stories of his fellow troops in Vietnam Veterans Against the War and those without any affiliation. He knows and he found it immoral to continue. And he spoke out against it in front of the Fulbright Committee of the U.S. Senate.

John Kerry also knows troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are exposed to depleted uranium rounds fired by their own military. He knows the chemical path of DU in every region of the world it has been used. He knows white phosphorous and a rebranded form of napalm has been used in Iraq and Afghanistan.
John Kerry knows the loss of innocent lives from American drones and gunships. And he knows he has been complicit in covering up the horrific visions of those attacks. He knows this President has intimidated and imprisoned any whistle blower daring to bring the truth of atrocities to the attention of the people paying taxes to carry them out.

John Kerry knows the US is the only nation to use atomic weapons against civilian population centers. He knows the results of radiation poisoning that devastated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Effects every bit horrific as the images he references in his pleas to use military force in Syria for "moral" reasons. John Kerry knows these things are irrefutably fact. He knows but doesn't recall them in his rush to violence and more war. He says he's sick of war but he pimps another military action by this nation saying we can't allow fatigue to keep us from acting. 

John Kerry knows there are hidden agendas beyond the moral call for action he requests. But he won't tell the American people what they are.

John Kerry knows children go hungry and starve in his nation.

He says it's common sense...because he says it is. Members of the American military's leadership don't all agree it is.

Americans must decide who the"thugs" are. They must decide if we truly have a legacy of a moral high ground or if we are culpable for similar atrocities against humanity.

John Kerry knows we stand on shaky moral ground as a nation with a history of continuous wars and occupations lacking legality and morality. And he knows we are a "party to turning a blind eye" over and over again whether it's the US or the Israelis in Palestine.

John Kerry knows but fails to accept responsibility.

John Kerry knows the nerve gas used against Iran in a war against Iraq was supplied by his own nation. And a blind eye was turned as our dictator in Iraq used nerve agents against Iran and later against his own people in Kurdish areas.

What John Kerry doesn't seem to know is the meaning of hypocrisy.

What Kerry does know ...he sold out for power and fame.