So, Insantorum ( pronounced: insane torum) wants to vomit because JFK spoke about separation of church and state. He did forget St. Ronnie Raygun also said similar things. I just wonder how Insantorum and all his followers reconcile their great hatred of the Islamic radicals and Sharia law versus Catholic dogma concerning a woman's body and status in the Church. All that seems to be missing is covering the face and obscuring the bodies of women. I still see older Catholic women who think they must cover their heads during masses. And believe me, the Church isn't going forward. It has decided instead to travel back centuries.
Insantorum and followers would have women denied birth control (other than the ridiculous rhythm method or abstinence). Then whenever a pregnancy occurs, no matter what circumstances, the woman by mandate of the men of the Church is to carry the pregnancy to term. In the insanity of Insantorum, even amniocentesis is forbidden. Why? His reasoning is the testing of amniotic fluid leads to abortions should there be any indication of problem such as Downs.
The insanity goes on and on. Basically, in the view of Insantorum and the good ol' boys of the Vatican, women shouldn't be allowed the priesthood, shouldn't be allowed to stop having babies under any circumstances...including rape....shouldn't be allowed to avoid pregnancies by use of contraception...including condoms, IUDs or any other method in addition to the pill. Even the use of condoms to prevent HIV in Africa is forbidden by the Catholic Church. Their workers are forbidden in the distribution of condoms in these areas of pandemic HIV infection.
The sanctity of life argument by these men, and the women who have fallen for their dogma, is life begins from the moment of ejaculation of sperm. Actually, a man having a vasectomy violates the catechism. But, this argument fails to reconcile with the actions of the "faithful" when it comes to war, famine and other sanctity of life issues. While the gospel clearly states humans shouldn't kill one another, the actions of the religious communities defy that basic tenet.
Time and again it has been the religious communities leading the charge to violence and war. Time and again women have been badgered to have children despite profound poverty by the leaders of religions. Time and again children have died from the effects of poverty. A poverty perpetuated by the actions of a male dominated clergy.
If you listen to Insantorum piously want to vomit because of separation of church and state, you'll also hear rhetoric indicating he'd be quite willing to start a war with Iran or any other non-Christian country he hates. And hate isn't too strong a word to use. The pious characters like Insantorum and the Christian right have no qualms about inflicting death on "non-believers". They consider themselves in a holy war already against women who would take control of their own bodies, against homosexual marriage, against the Islamofascist fanatics that bear a strong resemblance to the fanaticism of the Christian right and against big government intruding on the people.
But the very theocracy the Christian right claims to hate in the nations of Islam is the very thing they want to impose on the Christian USA. They maintain this is a Christian nation despite the Constitution or Bill of Rights. And they don't mind intruding on the sex lives or personal lives of others through the very government they decry as intrusive.
The vision of Insantorum and followers is not much different from the vision of white supremacists or the racists of Jim Crow laws. Their overt hatred of the first black President is palpable. Their condemnations of Obama's policies make absolutely no sense. The man has carried out the right wing agenda since first taking office. He is beholding to the power brokers of Wall Street and the lobbyists of the ultra-rich. What is not to like other than his color? And still we hear inane comments of the sell out President being a socialist or Marxist.
While some believe Insantorum could never be President, we have to keep in mind many thought an actor well past his prime of life could never be President. The scary truth is with voter suppression rampant and Citizens United allowing huge amounts of money to flow to candidates, insanity could very well rule more than it already does. Theocracy could become a reality in this nation.
Tuesday, February 28
Friday, February 24
A Friday Rant
For all the good words, speeches, rallies, marches and intentions the world continues to hurtle into a human abyss of hate, racism, Zionism, imperialism, sexism and on and on. The kind and gentle are ignored. The rational voices are ignored. Greed, materialism and nihilism are the norm. Our kids grow up playing games of war. Not the type of running in the neighborhood and choosing up sides. But realistically graphic, requiring only the movement of fingers and the mindless thinking of a well trained grunt.
But what do we expect? Hundreds of thousands will turn out for a football game. Mere hundreds will turn out to protect the planet, protect the humans on the planet and protect our future generations. Good intentions and good will are failing. No matter how angry some get, not enough seem to understand what to be angry about.
In the rural areas they turn to bloated blowhards on the radio. The words are angry and focused on the status quo. Code is spoken and clearly understood. The code is hateful and dismissive of anything or anybody challenging the rich masters of war and industry.
But these words mean little or nothing. It is like screaming in the hurricane winds we experienced around Denver the other night. Only we know the screams existed. Only we know our screams are nothing compared to the screams of dying mothers and their children. Their screams and the screams of the impoverished and forgotten are born of anguish.
Palestinian, Sudanese, Afghan, Iraqi, Lakota.....their anguish is unrelenting. Shame on us. Shame on our inability and unwillingness to stand up as a people to stop the madness. The neglect, apathy and disregard are everywhere. Even when it happens to our neighbor or friends we look helplessly on afraid to speak out or act out.
We are frozen by the fear so aptly disseminated by the evil tools of the Machiavellian princes of power. At work, at home, in public we fear the cameras, the overheard words, the perceptions of others who might "report" us. And people of color know their paranoia is based on reality. They know the blue gangsters care little about human intervention and a lot about violent intervention.
The gangsters in blue cry they are misunderstood but never attempt to understand. They patrol the slums and ghettos and go home to their sheltered, gated communities. What do they care about those who they "police"?
It's Friday. I need to ramble and rant. I could fearfully hide it, I suppose. Fuck no!
But what do we expect? Hundreds of thousands will turn out for a football game. Mere hundreds will turn out to protect the planet, protect the humans on the planet and protect our future generations. Good intentions and good will are failing. No matter how angry some get, not enough seem to understand what to be angry about.
In the rural areas they turn to bloated blowhards on the radio. The words are angry and focused on the status quo. Code is spoken and clearly understood. The code is hateful and dismissive of anything or anybody challenging the rich masters of war and industry.
But these words mean little or nothing. It is like screaming in the hurricane winds we experienced around Denver the other night. Only we know the screams existed. Only we know our screams are nothing compared to the screams of dying mothers and their children. Their screams and the screams of the impoverished and forgotten are born of anguish.
Palestinian, Sudanese, Afghan, Iraqi, Lakota.....their anguish is unrelenting. Shame on us. Shame on our inability and unwillingness to stand up as a people to stop the madness. The neglect, apathy and disregard are everywhere. Even when it happens to our neighbor or friends we look helplessly on afraid to speak out or act out.
We are frozen by the fear so aptly disseminated by the evil tools of the Machiavellian princes of power. At work, at home, in public we fear the cameras, the overheard words, the perceptions of others who might "report" us. And people of color know their paranoia is based on reality. They know the blue gangsters care little about human intervention and a lot about violent intervention.
The gangsters in blue cry they are misunderstood but never attempt to understand. They patrol the slums and ghettos and go home to their sheltered, gated communities. What do they care about those who they "police"?
It's Friday. I need to ramble and rant. I could fearfully hide it, I suppose. Fuck no!
Wednesday, February 15
Random Rants Redux
I'm still struggling with the new age of tweets and short updates about my personal "I went to work"...."Went to lunch". REALLY?? I think in bigger chunks of gray matter. I'm a run on sentence walking. I can't sum up my thoughts in 30 words or less. Maybe I ought to seek help or get on meds? So, anyway from a partner with Goldman-Sachs's an update on recent thoughts. I've really not mellowed. Only my loving wife gets to read my mellow thoughts.
Wow...just got a 3% raise at work. With the 20-40% rise in gas prices resulting in the 10-20% rise in food prices and all the increases in healthcare co-pays and premiums, the wage cut I got means I slip further into the abyss of debt. Yeah it is a wage cut when you add it all up. Too bad I'm not an incompetent CEO crashing a company getting that 300% increase of salary.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
Just heard a report about a Lt. General coming out with the obvious reality concerning the occupation of Afghanistan. The reports of the commanders and the DOD are fabricated to reflect a positive light on the war. For us old geezers, it's sort of like the "the light at the end of the tunnel" Westmoreland and Colin Powell kept repeating in Vietnam.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
If only Catholics had such passion and fanatical opposition to aborting kids in their teens and twenties going to war. Or kids in foreign lands being killed by stray missiles or bombs. Instead they continue to assert their misogyny on the lay people. Here's a news flash....the Pope and his minions of priests don't want women to really be free.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
As the military rattles sabers against Iran, the big oil companies rattle consumers with dramatic increases in gas prices. As the budget of the Pentagon is about to be reduced from the original increase to only a marginal increase suddenly the issue of nukes in Iran once again surfaces and we can't possibly go ahead with those cuts to the Pentagon. Let's make the single parent kids and the old take that cut....or better yet, the mentally ill....they don't have lobbyists with any influence.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
The inevitable has happened. More contractors (aka mercenaries for the most part) died than American military in Afghanistan last year. Doesn't mean one life isn't as important as the other. Just means this nation has started down the slippery slope of a private military. As if the current military isn't used as a tool of the oligarchy already.
Monday Feb 13 at 6:42am near Denver
Can't help but wonder where the Catholic Church stands on viagra, cialis or levitra. I suppose it's a hard one for them. But they are sure where they stand on "the PILL". I often wonder, as a converted Catholic and now most likely considered an atheist, is it abortion to abort the life of an infant, toddler, child or adolescent using American made bombs, rocket, missiles, drones, rifle rounds, mor...tars, cluster wonder they want to keep wars going. Think of all the jobs involved in making all these armanents.
GOP ISSUES taking precedence over jobs, housing, education, nourishment, healthcare etc. listed below: (created by the twisted mind of an unabashed, sarcastic lefty)
Where do you stand on the missionary position?
What do you say about oral sex?
Should gays even be allowed to hold office or be in government jobs if they demand equal benefits compared to the straights?
Do you think gay marriage broke up Newt's first two marriages?
Do you think government is too intrusive in the personal affairs of the people? Shouldn't intolerant religions have that duty?
Are all welfare recipients a drag on the system and usually drug addicts? And either illegal immigrants or non-white?
Don't those without healthcare have the duty to die if they have expensive illnesses?
Shouldn't men make more than women since women just go out and get preggers and demand maternity leave?
I am sure there's thousands of other inane questions irrelevant to what is important to the welfare of all. Wedge issues the GOP,churches and haters come up with to intrude on others while all the time crying in hysterical voices about the government imposing itself on them.
And please, are the largest church in the world. You've been allowed to get away with one atrocity after another throughout the history of the church. You are not discriminated against any more than any other religious cult. Some do question if you'll ever get to the 19th century but it is doubful. So the title of misogynist and sexist shall remain with your priests and good old boy leaders. As a man, I fail to understand why women would tolerate your crap.
Just me, the incredible heretic, saying this.
February 11 at 12:05pm near Denver
The feds are going to fine five major banks 26 billion for foreclosure abuse. That's chump change and doesn't put people back into their homes. Of course the major take away from this is no one goes to jail for the deliberate fraud and corruption.
February 9 at 6:51am near Denver
If you're an American worker and you think your employer has your best interests at heart, think again. From mental health centers to high tech jobs employers are trying to sell a bill of goods about the need of the employee to sacrifice while management fails to do so. 2-3% raises with increases of healthcare benefits paid by the employee is a wage decrease. The cost of food, transportation and b...asic necessities aren't going down. Only our wages are. When was the last time any of us got a 375 % wage increase? Never? How about 10%? Can't remember or never? The average increase of wealth for the 1% is around that 375%. Newest way to screw employees comes from a Democrat suggesting high tech workers be exempt from OT pay. Being pushed by the likes of IBM. And you don't need unions???
February 8 at 7:01am near Denver
Wow...just got a 3% raise at work. With the 20-40% rise in gas prices resulting in the 10-20% rise in food prices and all the increases in healthcare co-pays and premiums, the wage cut I got means I slip further into the abyss of debt. Yeah it is a wage cut when you add it all up. Too bad I'm not an incompetent CEO crashing a company getting that 300% increase of salary.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
Just heard a report about a Lt. General coming out with the obvious reality concerning the occupation of Afghanistan. The reports of the commanders and the DOD are fabricated to reflect a positive light on the war. For us old geezers, it's sort of like the "the light at the end of the tunnel" Westmoreland and Colin Powell kept repeating in Vietnam.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
If only Catholics had such passion and fanatical opposition to aborting kids in their teens and twenties going to war. Or kids in foreign lands being killed by stray missiles or bombs. Instead they continue to assert their misogyny on the lay people. Here's a news flash....the Pope and his minions of priests don't want women to really be free.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
As the military rattles sabers against Iran, the big oil companies rattle consumers with dramatic increases in gas prices. As the budget of the Pentagon is about to be reduced from the original increase to only a marginal increase suddenly the issue of nukes in Iran once again surfaces and we can't possibly go ahead with those cuts to the Pentagon. Let's make the single parent kids and the old take that cut....or better yet, the mentally ill....they don't have lobbyists with any influence.
Wednesday Feb 15 near Denver
The inevitable has happened. More contractors (aka mercenaries for the most part) died than American military in Afghanistan last year. Doesn't mean one life isn't as important as the other. Just means this nation has started down the slippery slope of a private military. As if the current military isn't used as a tool of the oligarchy already.
Monday Feb 13 at 6:42am near Denver
Can't help but wonder where the Catholic Church stands on viagra, cialis or levitra. I suppose it's a hard one for them. But they are sure where they stand on "the PILL". I often wonder, as a converted Catholic and now most likely considered an atheist, is it abortion to abort the life of an infant, toddler, child or adolescent using American made bombs, rocket, missiles, drones, rifle rounds, mor...tars, cluster wonder they want to keep wars going. Think of all the jobs involved in making all these armanents.
GOP ISSUES taking precedence over jobs, housing, education, nourishment, healthcare etc. listed below: (created by the twisted mind of an unabashed, sarcastic lefty)
Where do you stand on the missionary position?
What do you say about oral sex?
Should gays even be allowed to hold office or be in government jobs if they demand equal benefits compared to the straights?
Do you think gay marriage broke up Newt's first two marriages?
Do you think government is too intrusive in the personal affairs of the people? Shouldn't intolerant religions have that duty?
Are all welfare recipients a drag on the system and usually drug addicts? And either illegal immigrants or non-white?
Don't those without healthcare have the duty to die if they have expensive illnesses?
Shouldn't men make more than women since women just go out and get preggers and demand maternity leave?
I am sure there's thousands of other inane questions irrelevant to what is important to the welfare of all. Wedge issues the GOP,churches and haters come up with to intrude on others while all the time crying in hysterical voices about the government imposing itself on them.
And please, are the largest church in the world. You've been allowed to get away with one atrocity after another throughout the history of the church. You are not discriminated against any more than any other religious cult. Some do question if you'll ever get to the 19th century but it is doubful. So the title of misogynist and sexist shall remain with your priests and good old boy leaders. As a man, I fail to understand why women would tolerate your crap.
Just me, the incredible heretic, saying this.
February 11 at 12:05pm near Denver
The feds are going to fine five major banks 26 billion for foreclosure abuse. That's chump change and doesn't put people back into their homes. Of course the major take away from this is no one goes to jail for the deliberate fraud and corruption.
February 9 at 6:51am near Denver
If you're an American worker and you think your employer has your best interests at heart, think again. From mental health centers to high tech jobs employers are trying to sell a bill of goods about the need of the employee to sacrifice while management fails to do so. 2-3% raises with increases of healthcare benefits paid by the employee is a wage decrease. The cost of food, transportation and b...asic necessities aren't going down. Only our wages are. When was the last time any of us got a 375 % wage increase? Never? How about 10%? Can't remember or never? The average increase of wealth for the 1% is around that 375%. Newest way to screw employees comes from a Democrat suggesting high tech workers be exempt from OT pay. Being pushed by the likes of IBM. And you don't need unions???
February 8 at 7:01am near Denver
Monday, February 6
You Get Over It!
You know every time I watch a sporting event I resent the obligatory color guard or field size flag trotted out so everybody can pay reverence to the flag of imperialism. Sorry, but that's just the way I feel. And every damn sporting event becomes a recruiting opportunity for the military. The closest thing to a rebuttal I've seen was the end of Madonna's stage show at half yesterday. The words "WORLD PEACE" were projected onto the playing field. But I'm guessing most of the crowd felt world peace came by occupation and imperialistic aggression by the force of the American military.
Last year I was at a Nuggets game and the halftime event was a Marine Corps drill team with twirling rifles and lock step precision marching. The crowd seemed to love the action. I had a sinking feeling in my gut as I looked out on the young faces of the Marines and wondered how many would die in the next year, how many had already been through the rages and self medication, how many were estranged from family. It sickened me as the crowd cheered and clapped without any regard to the kids who watched possibly being influenced to join the Marines so they can wear the dress blues and do drills. And how many would only wear the dress blues in a casket returning from yet another senseless war?
Sure, we love our military and our troops but is militarism, wars and violence what we aspire to be as a nation? Are our heroes always going to be warriors? I know plenty of veterans who hate this shit. Shouldn't we become mentors to our young brothers and sisters to rebut the myth of war being gallant and heroic? Shouldn't we advise those old bastards who have never had a shot fired at them with deadly intention they are masters of deceit and pimps for death?
Shouldn't we tell the real truth about wars? The long boring, miserable times in jungles and deserts interrupted by the deadly cacophony of rifles, rpgs, rockets and thunderous blasts coming from hidden landscapes. The horrible screams of wounded and dying bleeding out from the traumatic amputation of arms, legs and entire trunks of young bodies. The terror of the dying right before the light in their eyes go out. The attempts of the living to stay alive long enough to find the body parts of friends to send home to family. The soiling of ourselves when all bladder and bowel control disappears in the panic of dark ambushes. Join in. Warriors all have similar horror stories never told to the naive and foolish thinking it's all glory and parades when you join up.
Dalton Trumbo had it right in JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN. His character, a destroyed body with only upper trunk and brain intact, finally manages to communicate his desire for his remaining body to be put on display. The brass immediately stops any further communication between the "body" and a nurse who discovers the ability of the body to communicate. Make no mistake, embedded reporters were the deliberate calculation of the military never wanting the "body" in Iraq or Afghanistan to be put on display as it had been during Vietnam.
Bradley Manning understands the need for the display to happen. A public that has to face what it has done to the young they sent to war may wake up and object. It seems the babies and innocent women and children in our wars never cause an uprising or objection from the general public. Collateral damage. Unintended consequences. No, fucker! Humans!! People! Babies! Don't use your fucking parsing of words to soften the horror you are responsible for. Take responsibility.
Mark Twain knew the body had to be displayed in THE WAR PRAYER. He took it to the great religious leaders who rallied the young to war. Have the religous leaders of today changed all that much from Twain's time? Hardly.
Yeah, we need to display the bodies. Like the ones that run around in my head all the time. The ones that run around in the dreams and thoughts of so many warriors for the the masters of war. They need to see their death and destruction every single day like so many warriors do. They need to tear down their heroic statutes and display the body all over the beltway of DC to demonstrate what is perpetrated inside the lush government offices of the masters of war. Too drastic, too ghoulish you say? Think about how the occupied of our wars must feel when they see the result of our cluster bombs, our tanks with DU rounds or our white phosphorous. You want reality t.v.? Take a steady dose of death created by your government issued war machine.
Get over it, you say. No, I say you like it so damn much get off your asses and away from your CALL OF DUTY joysticks and PARTICIPATE!!! Try the real thing and then you get over it.
Anyway, I'll be damned if I'm standing for that stupid anthem or putting my hand over my heart or taking my cap off. I don't need to ask permission.
Sunday, February 5
Revisiting The Rabbit Hole
Once again we find ourselves observing the illogical thinking of a government fighting to protect the rights of the violent more than the rights of the peaceful. Bradley Manning, a small fish in a pool of sharks, is forced to stand trial for revealing the ugly truths of war crimes and lies perpetrated against the Iraqi and Afghan people and the world.
And logically, if we fall prey to the illogical reasoning of so many, the rapes and murders in Haditha and throughout Iraq and Afghanistan by American troops and the mercenaries labeled "contractors" go without punishment. In most cases they even go without trial. A recent buzz phrase by a military court was "in the best interest of justice" they were dropping charges against an accused killer of civilians.
The reality is a troop has to be totally stupid to ever face trial for a purposeful act of murder or rape. Assaults aren't even considered since it's all in the course of the duty of a soldier to "rough up" the hajis of military age being rounded up. Interrogation includes assault, water boarding and torture not considered torture unless it happens to an American. Then, by God, it's an atrocity!
I constantly shake my head in amazement and disbelief when I see who is considered the villain and who is the hero. It's like falling down the rabbit hole of Alice's journey into "Wonderland" on LSD.
For a President who promises transparency in government, Obama has done just the opposite. He has continued the policies of Bush and doubled down on secrecy and violations of human rights and the bill of rights under the guise of the Patriot Act and the terror of terrorism.
I heard a newscaster recently question how much freedom should Americans give up to protect American freedom. And she said it with all seriousness. I also recently saw an African American "activist" claim the Occupy Oakland group has been taken over by an unsavory group of people bent on violence. I wondered if he was talking about the Oakland police who have done such a great job in keeping the peace. But, no, he meant those criminals who refused to leave the park and streets. Those who broke the city laws of peaceful assembly in public areas such as parks.
America, this beacon of freedom to the world, has become the spotlight of hypocrisy. We proclaim justice but never avail justice to the innocent victims of war crimes. We proclaim freedom but violently beat and brutalize our own people who seek redress of the government that has gone rogue. We give person-hood to the Goldman-Sachs and Wal-Mart corporations that have gutted the financial well being of this nation but deny it to individual citizens who object to injustices.
We allow one fanatical religious group more power over the personal lives of all Americans than the rule of true law and freedom. The same group that clamors to get government out of their personal lives. They cherry pick their biblical verses to suit themselves and deny their evil hypocrisy every step of the way. They beat their chests in phony and pious rants to protect the sanctity of the unborn but after the child is born don't give a damn if it starves, lives in poverty, is killed in war or becomes addicted. This is the same group that demands the gutting of the social programs helping feed, house and clothe the impoverished. They live in country club estates, retire in comfort and eat enough each day to feed four or five humans. And blame the hungry for "milking the system" and taking food from their mouths.
Another religious group that has more followers world wide has become the satanic symbol of evil. Most of their followers are chaste and devout but like Christians have fanatics that sully the name of the religion. It is no mistake most of this religion that has been demonized have brown and black pigmentation. It is the American way. How many American wars have been against the "other" races? Other than white, that is. This nation began by killing the savage red man and altering history to reflect the heroic Columbus and pilgrims that followed.
Maybe I've always lived in an illogical world of lies, hypocrisy and evil ruling those who want peace and justice. Looking at history, even the revised history of the Europeans, seems to indicate this unquestionable truth. So, why go on? Why not become as narcissistic as those in power? I mean we are all self-centered and self serving to some extent, why not all the time?
I just can't stand myself living that way all the time!!!
And logically, if we fall prey to the illogical reasoning of so many, the rapes and murders in Haditha and throughout Iraq and Afghanistan by American troops and the mercenaries labeled "contractors" go without punishment. In most cases they even go without trial. A recent buzz phrase by a military court was "in the best interest of justice" they were dropping charges against an accused killer of civilians.
The reality is a troop has to be totally stupid to ever face trial for a purposeful act of murder or rape. Assaults aren't even considered since it's all in the course of the duty of a soldier to "rough up" the hajis of military age being rounded up. Interrogation includes assault, water boarding and torture not considered torture unless it happens to an American. Then, by God, it's an atrocity!
I constantly shake my head in amazement and disbelief when I see who is considered the villain and who is the hero. It's like falling down the rabbit hole of Alice's journey into "Wonderland" on LSD.
For a President who promises transparency in government, Obama has done just the opposite. He has continued the policies of Bush and doubled down on secrecy and violations of human rights and the bill of rights under the guise of the Patriot Act and the terror of terrorism.
I heard a newscaster recently question how much freedom should Americans give up to protect American freedom. And she said it with all seriousness. I also recently saw an African American "activist" claim the Occupy Oakland group has been taken over by an unsavory group of people bent on violence. I wondered if he was talking about the Oakland police who have done such a great job in keeping the peace. But, no, he meant those criminals who refused to leave the park and streets. Those who broke the city laws of peaceful assembly in public areas such as parks.
America, this beacon of freedom to the world, has become the spotlight of hypocrisy. We proclaim justice but never avail justice to the innocent victims of war crimes. We proclaim freedom but violently beat and brutalize our own people who seek redress of the government that has gone rogue. We give person-hood to the Goldman-Sachs and Wal-Mart corporations that have gutted the financial well being of this nation but deny it to individual citizens who object to injustices.
We allow one fanatical religious group more power over the personal lives of all Americans than the rule of true law and freedom. The same group that clamors to get government out of their personal lives. They cherry pick their biblical verses to suit themselves and deny their evil hypocrisy every step of the way. They beat their chests in phony and pious rants to protect the sanctity of the unborn but after the child is born don't give a damn if it starves, lives in poverty, is killed in war or becomes addicted. This is the same group that demands the gutting of the social programs helping feed, house and clothe the impoverished. They live in country club estates, retire in comfort and eat enough each day to feed four or five humans. And blame the hungry for "milking the system" and taking food from their mouths.
Another religious group that has more followers world wide has become the satanic symbol of evil. Most of their followers are chaste and devout but like Christians have fanatics that sully the name of the religion. It is no mistake most of this religion that has been demonized have brown and black pigmentation. It is the American way. How many American wars have been against the "other" races? Other than white, that is. This nation began by killing the savage red man and altering history to reflect the heroic Columbus and pilgrims that followed.
Maybe I've always lived in an illogical world of lies, hypocrisy and evil ruling those who want peace and justice. Looking at history, even the revised history of the Europeans, seems to indicate this unquestionable truth. So, why go on? Why not become as narcissistic as those in power? I mean we are all self-centered and self serving to some extent, why not all the time?
I just can't stand myself living that way all the time!!!
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